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It's been six months since I first talked to Nelson about the nerve surgery. He's back home in Santa Monica getting therapy for it. The nerve surgery was not a success. But luckily it did not do further damage.

I'm with Kacey visiting Nelson. He's got an apartment with John. They're good for each other. Nelson loves John a lot. Anyone can see that. Same for John, it's just a little harder to spot because he doesn't talk much.

Kacey knocks on the door to their apartment. John opens it.

"Hey," he says and waves.

"Hi," Kacey says, "Can we come in?"

He nods and moves out of the way so we can walk in. We do. I notice that there are balloons that say three months with a smiley face on them.

"What's all that for?" I ask him.

"Nelson," he replies, "Three months."

"Have you been dating for over two years?" I ask.

"It's not for that," John says as we walk to the living room area.

"Three months," Nelson says from the living room, "Clean." Nelson is with some girl who seems to be helping him with his upper body strength.

"Nelson, I am so proud of you," Kacey says.

"Very proud," I say.

"So uh how's everything been?" Kacey asks as he finishes.

"It's been rough," he says. "I won't lie about that. I-I was just really hoping it would work."

"Hey bud it's okay," she says and hugs, he winces.

"Before you ask," he states, "I have a bruised rib."

"Oh," Kacey states.

"Yeah," he says.

I notice John is talking with the woman about whatever. She then opens the door and says, "Bye Nelson, bye bro," and leaves.

"That's your sister?" I ask John.

"Hm?" John says.

"Yeah, that's his sister Beck," Nelson says.

"Oh, yeah. That's was my sister," John states.

"Alright, Imma go change into clean clothes," Nelson says.

"Okay," John says walking to the kitchen area as Nelson leaves. "Red or white?" He then asks, "We've got both."

"What is with you people wanting to drink all the time?!" I say.

"Oh Shauna, so innocent," Kacey says giggling, "Even they drink more than you and probably have been to more parties than you."

"Hey!" I say laughing, "I've been to parties and gotten drunk."

"So red or white?" John repeats.

"White," I say.

"Kacey?" He asks after pouring mine.

"Imma make my own concoction," she says and takes both the wine bottles and pours then in a glass.

"Kacey," I complain.

"What?!" She replies, "It's good!"

"Kacey," Nelson says wheeling himself back over to the kitchen, "That is disgusting."

"Whatever you say," Kacey says and rolls her eyes, "But it's not. That's a fact and I've been drinking longer than you soo..."

"Try me," he says.

"I had my first drink when I was 14," she says smirking.

"I was 12," Nelson says, "My friend and I got into his dad's liquor cabinet and found all sorts of stuff."

"Wait who?" Kacey asks.

"Sam," he sighs, "I woke up after, he uh he didn't."

"Oh my god," I say, "That must've been rough."

"I haven't even talked to his family since," he says, "Anyway, enough of my sad life."

"Here," John says handing him a beer.

"Ooo," Kacey says, "I want one."

"No, bad Kacey," I say, "One drink is enough for you."

We all start laughing.

Woof! Woof!

Huh? Nelson doesn't have a dog...

"Hey, Bailey," Nelson says petting a black boarder collie, "Ya feel left out?"

"Since when did you have a dog?" I ask him.

"She's not mine," Nelson states, "She's John's girl."

"Are you jealous Nelly?" John teases.

"A little," he jokes.

"Aww," Kacey says.

"Awe, Nelson, I love you more than anything," John says and gets to his level. He then kisses Nelson and asks, "Apology accepted?"

"Yes, apology accepted," Nelson says after kissing him back.

They are one hell of a couple.

"So uh whats the occasion?" Nelson asks moving himself to the couch.

I sigh. He looks like a regular kid. It's so bad that he got so fucked. Twice. Bailey jumps up on the couch on his lap.

"Shit," Nelson says and quickly moves her.

"Nelson," Kacey states.

"I-I can explain," he says.

"God I'm so stupid," John says and signs. "You told me they were old."

"I'm sorry," Nelson says and signs.

John doesn't sign or say anything further and picks up Nelson to bring him to their room.

"Hey Nel?" Kacey states as we follow them.

"I swear I can explain," he says as John starts undoing his pants.

"Shauna we sho-"

"You're fine," he says and signs something to John.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah," he sighs as John continues and gets his pants off. Revealing a bloody bandage on one thigh and a catheter bag on the other.

"Nelson oh my god," Kacey says.

"I was angry okay?" he states agitated. "Plus this was like a couple of days ago, Bailey must have reopened them when she jumped on me."

Suddenly John just hugs him. He's crying a little. At least his eyes are watering a bit.

"I-I'm okay," Nelson says. "I-I'm sorry, I shoulda told you. I was just really angry about everything. I wanted the surgery to work so bad and all it did was hurt me more. I'm so sorry I ruined it for both of us.

John signs something to him.

"I know, and it was selfish of me to attempt to take that," he says and signs.

"Can I ask?" Kacey says as they let go.

"Uhm although no further complications between my spine being severed from the initial incident," he states as John starts cleaning and replacing the gauze. "I lost all function below my waist."

"Huh? Oh," Kacey states as John finishes.

"It's why I have a catheter now," he says. "I think you can figure out the other part."

"Yeah," I say. "So I'm guessing that three months was the last time he found out?"

"Yeah," Nelson replies as John gets him some new pants and puts them on him. "Alright, uhm I really hate that I just ruined the party so can we pretend this didn't happen and I promise to go get it checked out tomorrow if necessary?"

We all nod in agreement.

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