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She then starts walking down the hall and opens a door. We walk in. There's another boy in there.

"Nel- I'm sorry. Come on Shauna. We should leave," Kacey says quickly and takes me by the hand.

"Kace. Look I'm sorry. It's been complicated," Nelson says.

"Yeah. To complicated to tell me?!" Kacey says.

"Okay, look, I'm fucking sorry that I didn't and couldn't find the right time to tell you. But don't blame this completely on me. It hasn't been easy," he tries to explain but is getting nowhere.

"Fine. Nelson, fine," Kacey says and turns to leave.

The boy has dark brown hair that lightens up at his hairline that kinda sticks up. He's got a defined face, cheekbones and all. Pale skin and a very thin frame. He's like a stick.

He's wearing a black plaid with white lines over a white t-shirt with some black skinny jeans and grey converse.

"Stay," Nelson says, "Kace

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"Stay," Nelson says, "Kace. Please."

She turns around and lets go of my hand.

"Okay Nelson would you like to explain. I mean I don't know why you're saying this like it's a burden because it's not," she says, "and I do support it but you lied to me for two years. TWO YEARS!"

"Kace, Shauna, this is my boyfriend. John," he says. John waves. I smile back.

"Out of all people Nelson. All people. You don't even tell me?" Kacey questions, "You know what. Goodbye. I'll go see when you can be discharged. I hope that's not for a while. You're secrets don't seem to come out at my place."

She walks out. Nelson sighs.

"If you wanna leave you can," Nelson says to me.

"No, Nelson. I would say that you should go talk to her but from the looks of it you can't. So..." I state.

"Okay. So Shauna this is my boyfriend John. John this is my cousins friend Shauna," Nelson says.

"Girlfriend actually," I say.

"Okay. I'll remember that next time," he says.

John does something with his hands.

"Oh. Fuck. Sorry, I'm not used to us not being a secret," Nelson says to John, then says to me, "Shauna. John told me to tell you that he is deaf and can't hear you."

"So what's he doing with his hands?" I ask.

"Sign language. American sign language to be precise," Nelson says.

"So. How do you feel Nelson?" I ask.

"Well. Good over all considering I can't feel anything below my waist. But above that I do have a shattered wrist, a few broken ribs, a collapsed lung which caused the problem last time, a black eye and just some cuts and bruises," Nelson explains. He holds John's hand with his right hand which is not the broken one.

"Kacey said that you had surgery?" I ask.

"Yeah, another back surgery today. I told her that because I thought she'd be less worried because this is my ninthn surgery fixing my back," he explains.

"Nelson," I complain, "She's still freaking out."

"Well. You know. I am too," he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Did you not hear her. She hates me," he says as if it was obvious.

"Nelson, she doesn't hate you. I don't know why she had that outburst but she's probably just stressed," I say.

John signs something to Nelson.

"Down the hall to the left, near the waiting room. I think," Nelson replies.

John rolls his eyes but gives a smile and hugs Nelson. Nelson sneaks in a little kiss on his head. Cute. When they're done John waves and leaves.

"I have no idea what he just said," I state blankly.

"He needed to go to the bathroom," Nelson says.

"Why do you talk to him even though he can't hear you?" I ask.

"He can read lips and he doesn't like it when people treat him specially because he's deaf. Like I don't like being labeled as handicapped, he doesn't like to be labeled as deaf. Ya know?" He responds. "Plus it's kinda hard for me to sign and move myself anywhere."

"Yeah, I get your point," I say.

"Hey, Shauna?" He says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Do you think Kacey will kick me out?" He asks.

"Well why do you think she would?" I respond.

"That outburst wasn't stress. It was because for the last two years I've been dating John. But I told her and everyone else that I was dating one of my good friends, Dylan. She loves to act, so when I told her the problem she said she would do it until I was ready. Well to ya know. Come out I guess," he explains.

"Nelson. She loves you like a brother. Also, with you and me around to keep her busy she doesn't go to parties or bars all the time to drink and get drunk or get high," I say.

"How'd you know that?" He asks.

"Well that's where we met. At a party and she seemed like she knew how to party if ya know what I mean," I say.

"Yeah. I know what you mean," he says, "You know, I have dated girls too."

"So you're bisexual? Cool. One of Cameron's best friends is. He's actually still probably here too," I say, "Nice chatting with you, but I think I better go check on Kacey."

"Hey, Shauna?" He says as I start walking to the door.

"Hmm?" I say and turn around.

"Thank you for listening and understanding," he says.

"Hey. No need to thank me. Everyone should understand and listen when people need it," I say.

Just as I walk out I bump into John.

"Oh. Sorry," I say.

"It's all good," he says and walks back in to Nelson's room.

Wait. Um. What the hell?! Did he just talk?!

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