Chapter 6 - Akuma Attack

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It's my first mission and what ? There's an akuma attack on the train.

I get up immediately and went out from the train's room. Lenalee, Allen, Lavi and Kanda followed me too.

INNOCENCE ACTIVE. How many akumas are there ?

As i said that, my glasses appeared and give me the information about the akuma.

Oh Shit. 6 Level one and 4 level two. It's so many. How could such many akumas get in here?

I arrived at a room. It's full of ashes and blood. The akumas had killed much innocent people.

I hate it when akuma kill innocent people, especially the people i love so much.

* flash back *

"Momm !" i cried.

"Go away, Saya. Saved your life. Don't die here." Mom said as pentacles spread out within her body.

"No ! Mom i want to be with y-"

* flash back ends*

"Saya ! Be careful above you !" Allen yelled while he attacking those akuma with his crown clown.

I see above me and it's a level 2 akuma.

I dodge the akuma's attack. I drew my sword and began to slice the akuma.

But the akuma dodge and vanish. Where the akuma go ? 

Suddenly i felt something stabbed behind me. Oh No. It's the akuma. It have stabbed me. Blood flowing from my stomach.

I began to fall and the akuma ready to kill me. "Saya !" yelled Lenalee and Lavi.

"Saya, don't die, as long you can breathe, don't die. Keep on trying, Saya," i remembered what mom say.

I can't die yet. I must stand.

I stand and block the akuma's attack.

It hurts, but i'll not die.

Yes, as long as i can breathe, i must keep trying.

INNOCENCE LEVEL 2 ACTIVATED. As i said that, my sword turn into a cannon.

I fired the bullet and once, all those akuma explodes.

"Heh. It's done ?" i asked but i'm not expecting anyone to answer me.

"Saya ! Are you alright ? You're stabbed by the akuma aren't you ?" asked Lenalee and she came to me.

"I'm okay"

"Che. You're lying," said Kanda.

"I'm not talking to you Baka-" It felt hurt. I began to falling down. I have lost much blood.


Kanda catch me and carry me like a princess. I began to blushed.

"K-kanda p-put me dow-n...." i said to him weakly and suddenly, all i can see was darkness.


Why everything is black ? Am i dying.

But, i can't die yet. I don't wanna die. Please someone save me from this darkness. Please.

"Saya ! Are you alright ?" asked Lenalee and i slowly opened my eyes. I feel tears in my face.

"Heh ?? Why am i crying o_o," i asked.

"Are you alright ?" asked Allen.

"Yes. Heh ? Where's Kanda and Lavi ?" u asked to Allen and Lenalee.

"Hmm. who knows. All i know is Kanda left this room and followed by Lavi," replied Allen and he smiled to me.

"I'll see what they're doing," i stand but it still hurt in my stomach. Ouch.

"Don't do it Saya! You're still hurt," said Lenalee to me.

"I'm okay ^^" i give Lenalee and Allen a smile to reasure them.

I walk out from the room.

Hmm.. where's Lavi and Kanda.

I found you. Eh. what arw you guys doing.

Aww so cute. So, they both got asleep.

I feel sleepy, then i sit beside Kanda.

And at last i've got asleep beside Kanda.

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and sorry if you found some typo.

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