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Author's Pov
Carson Young is living a full dream of doing everything is has every loved. Carson has a rough patch as a teen and growing up but doesn't everyone as a teen? Carson was considered the weird one all because of his taste in music, his style and of course him loving to be able to play guitar and base.

So what did Carson do with his terrible teenage years of bullying, psychotic hospital, sexual abuse from close friends, self-harm he turned all that into his motivation and it turned him into what he is today.

As twenty-one-year-old black male Carson has little to know romance feelings with all that went with him turned him into a heartless player who was bisexual.

Carson's huge list of women and men he has slept with could make a graveyard shiver and it doesn't help his case that he hasn't settled down at all that's until he has the opportunity to join Black Veil Brides and of course because of the guitarist for Andy during his solos on the tour.

And slowly Carson becomes very sexually attracted to the beautiful blue-eyed leader but he knows he can't have a taken man at that but with a little secret, Carson doesn't know that Andy is deeply attracted to Carson in every way possible.

Even though he has Juliet Andy is upset that Carson doesn't remember him from high school Andy was attached even back then but Andy feels like he can't change Carson's ways at all.

How do you change a playboy with deep secrets, can you even get a playboy to fall in love? as well as warp tour all year long its time to see what really can happen when secrets are slipped and accidents happened that change everyone's lives.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now