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AUTHORS NOTE ; hey guys thanks for reading i know theses few chapters seem to jump backwards and forwards but I thought I would do the point of views from Matt , flame and riot on how they all met in their words so to speak :)


God its hard to believe that it was 3 years to the exact date that we were sat on the famouse beach at Huntington , California , we had met these five-crazy-funny guys who were down to earth and had big dreams of their band being famous we really hit it off with them it was a very fun filled month I never laughed and enjoyed myself so much to be honest I needed the break especially after the month before hand you see i lost my long term boyfriend Saul he died the same day he propsed to me.

flash back......

I was at work at the stables when I recieved the phone call telling me I needed to get to the hospital as Saul had been involved in a car crash I headed straight over and sat with him for three days none stop he had a few broken bones and in extreme pain yet he still talked through it all even though he was doped up on painkillers and nodded off to sleep a bit.

On the third day he told me to go into his jacket pocket I did as he asked and felt a box i pulled iy out and he told me to open it which I did there was a beautiful ring contained in it, I looked at him questionally he laughed '' well I cant get on one knee so Sarah will you do me the honour of being my wife I nodded my answer to him he lipped the ring on my finger and gestered for me to lay beside him for a hug which I did  dinner time came around and I headed to the hospitals canteen for a bite to eat and a coffee I headed back to Sauls room and noticed his breathing seemed raspy and shallow I called the nurse who came in and checked him over she said he developed a chest infection and she left I curled back upto Saul and after a while his breathing gotbworse then the heart and pulse machine thing started bleeping he began to flat line I pressed the orange buzzer for the nurse to come back she quickly dropped the back rest and started CPR after what seemed like a lifetime she stopped and looked at me sullenly and shook her head ''I'm so sorry Miss Halliday'' she said to me and stated the time of death as  two pm and left the room so I could say my final goodbyes to him .

I grabbed his hands he was still warm to the touch and begged him to wake up I kissed his soft lips noticing he had a bit stubble on his top lip I smiled to myself , I pulled him in for a hug still in denial he had breathed his last.

I sat and talked to him of how we first met gosh its hard to think we had known each other since we were five and like Suzanne and myself we had become inseparable as we grew up together friendship soon turned into a relationship yeah we had ups and downs who hasn't but this made us stronger , i spoke of all the times we had spent with Suzanne just basically goofing around but that was us all through and through yeah we may of been adults but we still liked daft carry on and also of all the times we ended in trouble, I also spoke of the very first night together as lovers how nervous we were when really there was no reason we moulded into one person that night and about the time our family was nearly complete but was cruelly taken away when I had a late miscarriage at 14 weeks into my pregnancy we found this happened due to gestational diabetes which I never realized I had and how we helped each other get over the grief and then to saving for our very first house and to his final hours of him proposing to me  only for our happiness to be ripped away .

The tears were falling more freely I couldn't control my sobbing as I clung to him my phone rang I looked at the caller display and through blurry eyes I saw it was Suzanne I answered and cried more next thing I knew she was at my side , a few days later after a postmortem the cause of Saul's death was internal bleeding the doctors never found he was laid to rest on July 3rd .


I remember going online and booking the tickets to Huntington beach using the money out my bank account we were using to save for our house I rang Suzanne and asked what she was doing and she had asked why so i told her I had booked us tickets for a months stay in Huntington she literally damaged my ear I swear by shouting down the phone I mean we deserved it Suzanne needed the break from her night carers job at the local nursing home and I for the above reasons.

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