Caffiene deprivation

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New York. It's full of wonderful places. There's museums, and nightclubs, and probably a nightclub museum somewhere too. But Olivia's favourite place is probably Truncheon bookstore. She spends hours raking through the shelves and shelves of books, so long that sometimes the workers bring her a cup of coffee every hour.

The staff are friendly too. But, like every customer, she had her favourite. Jess. Okay, maybe she was biased because she's dating him, but he's definitely her favourite, because he makes the best cup of coffee.

Running through the streets of New York, she clutched her phone to her ear.

"Yes Rory, I'll be there," she gasped, catching her breath.

"You have to be!" She cried.

"I already said I would several times! I wouldn't miss their anniversary for the world." She said, again.

"This is really important to grandma and grandpa," she reminds her twin, like she'd forgotten since she told her 5 seconds ago.

"Yes, I know, which is why I'll be there," she sighed, exasperated.

"Okay, well I'll see you Friday."

"Yes, you will. Bye, Ror," she concluded as she reached the store.

"Bye, Liv," she replies, hanging up.

Olivia walked in and immediately looked for Jess. She found him in aisle five, looking at a Hemingway novel.

"Hey, haven't you already got all of his works?" She asked, kissing his cheek as she peered over his shoulder to see he was reading the title list.

"I was just checking to see that I haven't missed any," he assured her, putting it back in its place.

"Right, because people write novels from the dead," she teased him, rolling her eyes.

"Ha ha so funny," he mocks.

"I know, blame my mother," she laughed.

"Oh I do," he winks, smirking crookedly.

"Hi," she said, smiling.

"You said that."

"No I said hey. Two completely different words," Liv explained.

"No, they're not," he retorted.

"Alright clever clogs, shush and get me coffee. I need to read," she ordered him.

"And those two are linked how? And last time I checked, I ran this place."

"And last time I checked, I needed caffeine. No go go go before I die of caffeine deprivation," Liv sighed over dramatically.

He walked over to the kitchen and through the door as Liv looked through the shelf nearest to her.

"God, you Gilmores," he chuckles from the other room.

"Well your dating one," Liv remind him, cheekily.

"And my uncles married to one, who's crazier?" He calls over the sound of the kettle boiling.

"Definitely Luke."

Liv pulled out a book she was sure she hadn't read as he came back over to give her her coffee, and flicked it open, settling into her corner.

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