John (20)

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I walked in, a nervous sweat making its way down my forehead, "Alex?"
"John, what were you thinking?" Alexander shouted as I came to his view, "Do you know how stupid that was?"
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, taking a small step towards him, "I was just defending you..."
"Well I don't need looking after, I can do that myself!" he announced, an annoyed tone visible within his voice.
I just shook my head disbelievingly, "Of course you can, Alex, I literally had to feed you the other day,"
He didn't reply as I continued to speak, "Have you eaten today?" I said slowly, my eyes slitting accusingly.
"Yes," Alexander muttered back unconvincingly.
"I hate you, Hercules is right! All you do is lie to me, Alexander!"
"I'm not incapable, John, I don't need you to know how I'm feeling every few minutes!"
I released a low growl at this, pushing him against the wall in anger. He hissed painfully through his gritted teeth, his back hitting the cold wall.
He looked up at me, his warm eyes now cold. The usual chafe hazel left as a muddy brown of hatred now glared back at me.
"You're ridiculous, Alexander," I laughed pitifully, my hands fiddling with each other as I spoke in anger, "I didn't even push you that hard and you're in pain; you don't look after yourself so you're weak,"
Alexander looked up at me in shock, "I'm not weak!" he spat back angrily, "I'm never weak,"
I just shook my head, a spiteful smirk pulling at my lips, "You're weak and pathetic most of the time. You need me, you just don't know it,"
Alexander just crossed his arms, obviously disagreeing, "I don't need you, John,"
"Why don't you need me?"
"Why should I have to need you?" Alexander released a snort as he continued, "We're not even in a proper relationship! It's not labelled! You obviously don't want it to be either!"
Alexander exploded, his face clearly distressed, "So why should I even trust you, John?"
"Because I-" I stuttered, unable to put how I was feeling into words. I felt tears escape my eyes, a hot mess stirring under my eye lids as I felt the familiar burn in my chest.
"Because why?" Alexander pushed on, his patience running out quickly as I heard the annoyance wavering in his voice.
"Because I love you!" I frantically blurted, covering my mouth quickly with my hands. Alexander stood there, wide eyed, lowering his head in defeat. His guilt seemed to swallow him quickly, his body shaking.
A silence swallowed us, horribly awkward as we painfully released pathetic sobs. "You're so annoying, you ruin everything!" Alexander suddenly blurted, his voice cracking as he rubbed his eyes angrily.
I just released sigh, reaching out and holding his shoulders. Alexander growled at my action, attempting to force his way out my grip. He gave up, pulling his hands away from his face. "I hate you so much," Alexander cried as his balled fists hit me in the chest, his words tearing me apart at every slip of the tongue, "I should've chose Eliza instead. Why do I have to love you? It's not fair!"
I was stuck for words, "You liked Eliza..." I muttered thoughtfully aloud. Alexander rolled his eyes, "Of course I did! But it isn't the same..."
"What do you mean?"
"She is too kind and would just put up with my shit..." Alexander explained, his breathing slightly uneven, "She doesn't deserve anything I would do to her. I would break her,"
"What and I deserve all this you do to me?" I spat angrily, "All you ever do is hurt me, Alexander, you don't even care..."
"Of course I care, John," Alexander exclaimed, immediately afraid, "I care so much it hurts! I need you, please don't leave me!"
Alexander gripped onto my jacket tightly, desperately clinging, "I need you..." he repeated as a whisper, his face wet with tear marks, "Don't leave me..."
I looked down at a mess of a man. He was too fragile and too breakable. I studied as he frantically wrapped his arms around me, crying into my chest. I silently watched, not even moving an inch which seemed to cause louder sobs. Eventually, I pulled away from him- pushing him back.
Alexander looked down at the ground, rubbing the side of his arm to soothe himself as he sniffed. I slowly cupped his face in my hands, them fitting perfectly around his burning cheeks. I hated that we so perfectly fitted together, yet always would break and would find a way to put the pieces back together- losing parts of ourselves along the way.
I didn't say anything. Instead, I quickly moved forward and pressed his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync, desperately needing each other as I pressed him carefully against the wall. Our cheeks were both stained and to be honest it was kinda messy. My hands moved for closure, purposely wrapping themselves around his hips that were so perfect.
I finally pulled away, breathless as I locked eyes with him. "I will never leave you, Alex,"
"You promise?" Alexander looked up at me in awe, releasing a small hiccup as he finally settled.
"I promise..." I gave him a lopsided grin in response, not knowing that what I had promised would eventually turn out to be a lie.
"I'm sorry for not trusting you..." Alexander eventually huffed, moving his arms around me. I released a guilty sigh, "No, no, it's my fault,"
"How?" Alexander questioned, confusion spreading across his puckered face.
"I didn't label our relationship, it must of made you feel like a possession..." I explained, mumbling in embarrassment.
"It's my faul-" Alexander started before I annoying cut him off, a slight anger rising in me.
"Alexander, please just let me be wrong for once..." I begged, feeling immediately irritated, "You're always blaming everything on yourself, when it's not even your fault..."
Alexander flushed, "i'm just used to being wrong..."
I released a laugh at this, "Oh well, I thought Alexander Hamilton could never be wrong..." I mocked him teasingly, a playful spark added to the tense atmosphere.
"Shut up..." Alexander mumbled, crossing his arms and looking adorably flustered.
I released a small giggle, "You're cute, y'know that, right?" Alexander just shook his head childishly in protest, obviously disagreeing.
And at that moment I realised we could at least be happy, for now anyway...

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