Eliza (3)

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We arrived at the coffee shop, me pulling Alexander by the arm. I knew there was more to this guy and I was generally curious, plus he was hot. We quickly sat down, me taking a seat next to him. Angelica smirked at me, giving me a knowing look. I swear she can read my mind.

I placed my hand on Alexander's instinctively, immediately regretting it, "Alexander, this is my sister- Angelica!" I introduced, trying to cover up my nervousness. I looked out the corner of my eye and noticing John glaring at me. What's his problem? I also seemed to notice that Alexander didn't react when I grabbed his hand. That must mean he doesn't mind, right? I also evaluated my sister- Peggy- she glanced up at John then adverted his gaze.

Why is it so tense?

Angelica introduced herself cockily, typical her. I rolled my eyes. Jefferson also decided to interrupt, however, failed when we all literally laughed at his 'trash' comment. He was joking, right? I looked at John, he was holding Alexander's other hand. Angelica obviously found this amusing when she decided to comment on the immediate situation.

She raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at her lips, "Wow, Alex, all the attention is on you already,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, dumbfoundedly. Angelica still didn't wipe that smirk off her lips, I gave her a look of warning. I really wanted her to shut up. Peggy also seemed to be fed up with her crap.

"Leave him alone, Angie..." she sighed, rolling her eyes in the process.

Angelica ignored us, "Hamilton, have you noticed that you've been holding my sister's hand for the past hour?"

"I have?" he asked surprisingly, finally looked down at our hands. He immediately moved away, closer to John as if he was using him as protection. "You didn't notice?" I said quietly, wondering how he couldn't have noticed. Then Hercules interrupted with a cough.

"How about we have a sleepover and watch Disney movies," he offered, breaking the tense atmosphere. John smiled, pulling himself to his feet and Alexander as their hands were still laced together, "Come on, we can all go back to our dorm," he said towards Alexander, giving him a warm smile. I immediately saw Peggy shift uncomfortably. Angelica noticed this, wrapping an arm around Peggy's waist protectively. She was always so protective of us.

Alexander hesitated for a second, he looked so shy and awkward, "Okay..." he agreed finally, alas removing his hand from John's to fiddle with them as if by comfort. I saw John's eyes flash with despondency from the loss of his hand, however, a second later he gave another Alex another sickening smile. This guy has been here less than a day and I'm already jealous.

Our circle began to walk back the college, it felt so right walking with these people. These are people that I've known since kindergarten. We all felt whole with Alexander here, as if we've known him longer. He fit into our click like a missing piece of a puzzle.

It felt right...

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