Angelica (7)

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Sometimes life is tiring.

Looking after everyone is stressful. I've always been the oldest of our group; probably always will be. In middle school, I got picked on because my whole friendship group was made up of younger people than me. To be honest, I didn't really care. They are my friends, probably always will be.

There's one problem.

I'm a senior and it's my last year. I'm going to graduate, I'm scared. Scared that when I leave, no one will look after my friends. I'm older than all of them, it feels like I raised them. I know I sound stupid, everyone seems to look up to me like a child would to their mother.

I'm going to miss them all so much.

I look around at the faces I've known all my life. I can admit I'm very protective of all of them- especially my sisters. Who will protect them when I'm gone?

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head, studying my atmosphere in hopes of a distraction. Everyone seemed happy, messing about and fighting over what Disney film to watch. Then I saw something not quite right. Alexander was pale, seeming to fidget at the presence of others; fiddling with his hands.

Abruptly, he shakily stood up and quickly evacuated from the dorm. I saw Jefferson watch him with confusion and concern, before getting up and following him. I felt a smirk immediately tug at my lips. Generally curious, I stood up and followed them. I found it ironic how we all left at the same time and no one seemed to notice.

I entered the hallway, crossing my arms and leaning up against the wall- a smirk still visible on my face. Thomas Jefferson seemed to be actually concern and upset to the disappearance of Hamilton. Let me go this straight, I dated him before and he's usually a cold- hearted dick. To be honest, that's one of the reasons I broke up with him.

"Worried, Jeffersin?" I finally said, after satisfying myself enough with his panicked expressions.

He turned to face me, masking his emotions with his annoying ego and smugness. He raised an eyebrow, "And what is an animal like you doing, trudging these dark halls? Shouldn't you be locked up in a cage?"

"Oh wow, I'm so scared," I sarcastically grinned, using my hands to add emphasis. He walked closer to me, the slightly taller man looming down on me.

My expression finally changed to a thoughtful and sympathetic one, "I know you came looking for Alex, what's wrong?" I sighed, giving in and being honest.

His face flushed slightly, as he coughed trying to find the right words, "He looked upset, I came to see if he was alright... He must've left the building..."

I found myself grabbing his hand in an affectionate manner.

What was I even thinking?

"Look, maybe he just needs some space. He seemed pretty flustered with all these people. We can't forget that he's new and is maybe not used to this many people. Give it time, Thomas," I gave him a friendly smile, generally being helpful for once.

He used a hand to run through his hair as if thinking. He looked over his shoulder hesitantly, as if Alex would appear any moment and drag him out the situation. "Ok, Angie, you're right. I trust you...I think..." he finally muttered, letting me pull him back towards the dorm door.

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