December 3, 2017. Phoebe's entry no. 3

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This is Phoebe! Today we went after a group of goblins. They're a subspecies of ork. Smaller, weaker, and more conniving, and (barely) more intelligent. They can also regrow arms. This piece of information is useful when you're carrying a sword, as I was, and want to do some hacking and slashing. Let it be said that there are few things more fun than chopping off goblin arms. It took us all of twenty minutes to find them. I'd say the goblins found the experience to be a bit disarming! One of the few things more fun than swinging away with a sword is hanging out with Maggie. Things are going really well, though I don't have anything to base this off of.

Alright! My turn! This is Maggie! So I'm going to start by saying that Phoebe looks AWESOME with a sword. She was wearing one of those t-shirts where I could kind of see her abs, and combine that with a shoulder belt sheath( a combination with of a belt and bandolier, not a belt worn over the shoulder. It's a real thing, despite its name being a misnomer) and I'll admit to being a bit distracted on our little goblin hunt. Also, goblins can go flying up to fifteen feet if you shoot them with an ectoplasma gun. Thirty feet if Henry hits them with his baseball bat, modified by moi.

Phoebe here again! I may have just disregarded a journal rule and reading the part of Maggie's entry about me, but she said I could! I'd like to say I wasn't distracted either, but I'd be lying if I said that. She's really cute in her combat armor with her helmet off and her hair in a ponytail. Hell. Now I have to go clean blood off of my sword.

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