October 13, 2017

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It's Friday the 13th. Maggie traced the GAL pistol and GSSE. We're heading there in an SUV that Maggie tricked out. It has a GSSE that can run for an hour, ultraviolet headlights that you need special goggles to see. Cassie is driving. I'm not really surprised. Oh, it also has a GAL cannon on the top that's VR controlled. It has special ghost-resistant armor. We're all armored up, the GALs are in the back, we each have a GSSE on a bandolier, and a GAL pistol in a holster. I'm writing this while wearing ultraviolet goggles. I'm going to record this. We're at the ghost place. Our parents think we're asleep. If I never write again, then at least it was fun while it lasted.

Audio Transcript:

October 13, 2017

Maggie: We're here. Everyone grab a GAL. I can control the car cannons with my phone.

Henry: Do we want to do this? Is it worth it?

Nathan: Yes. This is worth it.

Cassie: Whatever you say.

Nathan: One important question: who's in charge?

Cassie: I nominate Nate? Everyone agree?

(Maggie and Charlie raise hands)

Nathan: Okay then. Stick together. They should be in the forest right?

Maggie: Yup. They're in that clearing, right over the ravine. The ravine connects to my house. That's our fallback point.

Nathan: Can I just say that no matter how this goes I'm glad that we're doing it together. Now lock and load!

(all walk for one minute)

Henry: Maggie, you picking up any ghosts?

Maggie: Yeah. There should be maybe fifty. Wait. That can't be... I think I know what they were doing with the GSSE and GAL pistol. They're building a generator.

Nathan: Why?

Cassie: I think they're trying to summon something. We can detect ghosts because of the spikes in energy. What if enough energy will create something more powerful?

Henry: Holy crap.

Nathan: Okay then. We move fast. Maggie, you go in and recover the GSSE and GAL pistol. Me and Henry will protect you. Cassie, you're sniper. Clear us a path.

Cassie: Got it.

Nathan: Then what else is there to do? Prepare to turn your GSSEs on. GALs at the ready!

(Maggie Henry and Nathan run and open fire)

GALS: Tew! Tew! Tew!

(ghosts return fire)

Pow! Pow!

(bullets glance off armor)

Maggie: Keep them away! I've almost got it!

Henry: Alright!

Voice: Oh, you are far too late.

Nathan: Who said that?

Maggie: It sounded like it came from around us.

(ghost knight dressed in bloodred armor appears)

Voice: I am Isaiah The Bloody! You have failed.

Nathan(speaking into helmet-com): Cassie: Shoot him!


Isaiah: Not bad, for a human. It is Friday the 13th! There are few days where the spirit realm and the mortal one are closer! If your friend hadn't exorcised me you would be possessed, girl. But I was still close enough that I could be summoned.

Nathan: Focus fire!

Tew! Tew! Tew! Tew! Tew!

Isaiah: Those toys are nowhere near powerful enough to hurt me.

(Isiah summons a bloodred sword)

Maggie: Henry! Do it!

(Henry cracks knuckles. Gauntlets glow with lasers. Henry charges Isaiah and fights him in hand to hand combat)

Isaiah: You fight well for a mortal.

Henry: I'm better than you.

(Henry uppercuts Isaiah in the chin. Isaiah explodes into nothing. Other ghosts disappear)

Cassie: Fricking hell yes!

Nathan: Maggie you have some explaining to do tomorrow, but I'll save that for tomorrow. Nice job!

(end recording)

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