November 11, 2017

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We're heading back in The Ghost now from Sharpclub. We didn't use the GALs because we're doing this non-lethal, so we used the ectoplasma gun, which can have the intensity turned down so that sent them flying back ten feet! We DID have GAL pistols just in case, but we didn't need them. Henry led a vanguard of twenty Bigclub orks to engage the enemy. Henry charged in their with a metal baseball bat, which I thought was kind of funny up until he knocked an ork out with it. I was back about one hundred feet with another twenty orks as the second wave. Cassie was in charge of ten orks who we deemed trustworthy enough to use ectoplasma guns. Maggie was behind us with forty orks acting as the main assault force. She was in The Ghost as tactical support and, if necessary, cannon support. It didn't come to that, though. I should have mentioned that the Sharpclub village is in a cavern, so getting in was kind of hard. It involved a lot of blasting things out of the way with The Ghost's cannon. Maybe a diplomatic solution would have been better, but they're orks, so... probably not. We bashed a few heads and left a letter that pretty much said that the next time they attempted to raid us we'd blow them to hell. 

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