November 27, 2017. Phoebe's entry no. 1

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Hi! This is Phoebe. I was hanging out with Cassie and Maggie earlier, and Cassie said I should write an entry in Nathaniel's journal. It's really cool to meet a Doom, but I'm not really into him. But I can tell that Cassie is, big time. She ALWAYS tries to be with him whenever possible. I suppose it's worth mentioning that I'm hacking into the government. Library of Congress and National Archives had nothing. I'm trying to find Area 51's network, but it's REALLY hard. The CIA and the FBI have actual websites, but I've got no idea how to find the Area 51 servers. Problem is, they're supposedly where all the magical stuff went, so they'd probably have the stuff I need. Cassie made me write that Henry's back. He's kind of cool. Into sports and that sort of stuff oh- the orks all fear and kind of worship him. Something to do with a metal baseball bat. I read the section of the journal on my physical appearance, and I have to say that I'm a lot more athletic than Nate gave me credit for. I don't take offense- my sweatshirt kind of makes it hard to tell, but you can't run with a pack of werewolves without being in decent shape. Then I suppose I should mention Maggie. She's pretty awesome. I may have botched my introduction (I'll go over that another time) but she still likes me. I've seen some of her programming. Really advanced, I can say without any vanity that I'm probably better, but I've never seen anything as advanced as her's aside from my own. She's kind of perfect. And I can't believe I wrote this. Cassie said she'd let me keep the journal for two days and she wants to do an entry on Wednesday.

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