Chapter 1

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"Mornin' boys!"

Dorothy peeked out from underneath the Dodge Charger she was working on her gave a mock salute to Chief Mars of the Phoenix Police Station as he walked into the F1 Squadron hangar. He was wearing his usual leather vest with his badge pinned over where his heart was, a pair of blue jeans and a brown pair of leather boots that seemed to always make a pinging noise when he didn't even have any spurs on them. Sometimes the woman would joke about putting a hat on him so he would look like a sheriff, but the old man refused the offer multiple times.

Dorothy, herself, was wearing a onepiece jumpsuit. Not the most stylish thing, but it kept the grease and mud off of her uniform. When she first started fixing her cruiser in the hangar, she immediately asked one of the members of the F1 Squad for one of their old jumpsuit since she didn't want to risk her clothes being ruined by excess car fluids. The side effect of doing that though was that the jumpsuit was way too big for the 5'3" woman. Most of the men on the team were 5'10" to 6'4", meaning that she was the shortest person in the hangar all the time.

But another day, another part to her patrol car she needed to either fix, replace, or recalibrate. Dorothy rolled back under her Charger as the chief go around and say his personal good-mornings to everyone. She grabbed the last of the oil-slicked bots and placed it over the hole that it originally sat in to hold the car's undercarriage. The woman grabbed the wrench laying next to her and tightens in the bolt she was holding.

"What'd you break thing time?" the chief said as he bent down to look under the car's bummer. "Or what this more plating scuffs and dents?"

Dorothy pushed herself out on the creeper she was laying on and sat up when the board was full out from under the Charger. "Blew another gasket." she said simply, reaching for the rag in her back pocket as she stood up. She cleaned her hands of the grease and oil on them and then did the same to her face, which was covered slightly in dust and a few specks of mud.

"This is the sixth time this month." Chief Mars complained, looking at the young woman with a concerned look. "Are you sure it's just a gasket?"

"I've checked it more and three time already, so yeah, I'm pretty sure." the woman answered back, running a hand through her pixie-styled haircut. Her short brunette locks lopped to one side of her head along her part and the woman ruffled it for some volume. "Also my car is only two years old. Had it since I started to force and I'm not getting rid of it."

"Two years is a long time for a police car." the chief explained, leaning against the front Dorothy's car as she moved to the side to pick the cup of coffee on the file toolbox she had placed her tools in. "Especially with your field of work, 'Speedy'."

The petite woman groaned at the nickname. Being the volunteer mechanic of the F-1 team and a full-time highway patrol officer for the Phoenix Police Department earned her the embarrassing nickname of "Speedy" after she broke the record for "Time Taken to Win a Car Chase". The nickname was mostly used by the F1 team members and Chief Mars, but people who knew her around town would call out the name once and awhile.

"I'm not getting rid of my car, Mars." she argued, taking a sip of her coffee before unzipping the top of her jumpsuit to that she could let her upper half breathe in the heat of the hangar. The black tank top luckily didn't show how much she was sweating, but since this year's summer was being overly hot and dry. "End of story."

"Well don't come to me when you break down on the side of the road because of a blown gasket." he joked with her, playing off of the information she had giving him earlier.

"I'm not going to." Dorothy pushed as she walked over to the locker behind her car that had her name bolted on. The name was made out of a bunch of license plate pieces, spelling out "Haven" in all caps across the locker. She opened the door, which didn't have a lock, and pulled out her duffle bag full of her casual clothes. Today was the patrol officer's day off, since most police officers in her department were off on Thursdays, and she had plans to go stay inside and out of the heat.

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