Chapter 10- Scattered

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"They're dead, they're all dead I just know it!" I'm nearly in tears at leaving the group, with hands running through my knotted hair I pace back and forth, replaying the previous events in my mind.

"They are not dead." Elliot shrugs sitting in a old creeky chair. When we split from the group, we ran till I nearly passed out, we took shelter in a small shack with moss growing over the structure it was barely visible.

Elliot hasn't been panicking, no pacing no shouts of worry, but simply sitting and digging through his stupid backpack just to get out a knife and pick at his nails. He wasn't even out of breath like I was, I may be a nurse but that doesn't mean I worked out and ate healthy, ironic I know. My diet was strictly pizza and take out food through med school, I regret every gym offer I turned down now.

"How can you be so calm? Your sister is out there! Aren't you worried?" I nearly scream, but know better less noise less attention.

"My sister is smart, she can take care of herself." He shrugs stabbing the end of his silver hunting knife into the damp wooden table. "Can't say the same for your moronic friends though."

He looks out the small window that provides minimum lighting with holey faded pink flower curtains that have seen better days, his eyes searching for danger before shrugging once more, and sitting back in his chair.

"Travis, and Amber are plenty smart, but I'm still worried." I huff.

"See I have no doubt in my sisters abilities seems you have doubt's in your friends, so that must mean they're stupid enough to get themselves killed." He's toying with me now, trying to get me angry. It won't work all that will do is make me more upset and I won't give him the satisfaction.

I sigh in defeat and sit across from him, I take this time to cringe as he cleans under his nails with the tip of the blade, I notice faint scar marks rubbing up and down his toned arms along with a peek of a tattoo that is covered by his shirt. I've always lover tattoos, well the ones with meaning or the ones with a good story behind them, it's like a story that you will forever hold.

Just to make conversation, I'm sure you can tell by now I hate silence. I ask. "What's your tattoo of?"

Elliot stops picking his nails and shrugs as he sets down his knife. His blue eyes looking at me with their own smirk, he rolls up his sleeve revealing a rose but not the pretty girly kind I guess it's to resemble a dying rose with it's wilting dry petals look, I knit my eyebrows in confusion as faith is written below it. Whoever the artist who did this was very talented, just the detail alone is beautiful.

"I didn't take you for the religious type." I reply still staring at the ink on his tanned arm.

"I have my own meaning of faith, Haley." Elliot smirks. Why do I think it's going to be something stupid?

"I think faith, is something in your head. It is a reason to keep on going even when you want to die and you think there's nothing else to live for, there's something or someone to live for." He explains and shocks me. Is this guy just a secret poet? Here I thought he was completely shallow and just a bipolar mess.

Silence ensues us as I think about his words so the dying rose symbolizes to keep strong? To not give up? His words remind me of what someone who has tried to end their life or someone in deep depression would say. I seriously shouldn't have taken that psychology course, I won't ask my dying question; if he's been depressed or wanted to take his own life. For once I'll keep quiet.

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