Chapter 1- The Start

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This world was never fair, nor was it ever easy, I refused to believe that this world would ever be perfect but never did I expect it to die, to end so quickly and take people left and right.

My religious beliefs had me believing there would be a rapture, in which those who believe will be saved and no feel God's fury. That we'd be saved, happy an know no sorrow.

But where is it? The angels singing? The fluffy clouds and warm nature with bright sunlight shining through showing you all the people you've lost, and promised you'd never go a day without them any longer.

Instead a virus, a horrible virus like no other took over, wiping out more than half the population within six months. People changed, a devastating high fever, the shakes, puking and wild outbursts, that ultimately left you dead, but not for long.

What was you. Is now gone, and replaced by a flesh hungry monster with no empathy, no sign of logic, and with no humanity. You would kill, eat people, turning them too into the monster you are.

The sky now seems forever grey, yet kind of brownish also due to the countless fires the military started to try and contain the virus. They failed. It rains a lot now, of course I live in the most rainy state known to man, Washington. I stay in Seattle I was born and raised here, so it's home. But this is where the fires started, the outbreak started, and Washington died, it no longer feels safe.

"Haley, I found some peaches!" Travis, announces showing me the silver can with a bright label reading "peaches" I hated the syrup in the cans, I'd rather have a whole peach.

"You go ahead, I stole your jerky from last night remember?" I laugh.

He nods and takes out his pocket knife quickly opening the can and slurping up the juice as it pours out. It's so gross but I can't be picky.

Travis has been my best friend since kindergarten, I still remember our meeting. I was wearing my new pink dress my mom has just bought for me, I absolutely adored it, which is weird now since pink is such a ugly color. A girl whom I can't remember the name of pushed me in a mud puddle, now when I was younger I was a huge drama queen and cried over everything. So of course I cried over my dress being ruined the girl laughed but not for long since Travis pushed her in the exact same mud puddle and helped me up, he gave me a hug and pulled back with a toothy grin and said: "there now we both got mud" since that day we have been inseparable, that is until Amber came in the picture a year ago.

Amber white is beautiful. Mocha skin, big brown eyes and a thin frame. It's not that I hate her, it's just she's so obsessive and clingy it was annoying, but now she's different. These times has changed her, and I too.

"Don't worry we got you a can of Olives." I grin wildly at Amber and take the can from her grasp immediately opening it and eating it gratefully.

"What took you guys so long anyway?" I ask through mouth full of food earning a disgusted look from Travis.

"There's more of 'em, so much more." Amber replies, I can tell she's afraid.

We've moved over three times already, but I can't leave Seattle, not without my brother, so I plan to stay here until I find him, the last call between us was months ago right when shit hit the fan, he said he hit a pedestrian and the guy went crazy at him, so he drove like a mad man only to get stuck in traffic, of course now that the phones don't work along with everything else I have no clue on to where to find him or even if he's alive. Besides he's military he'll know what to do.

No. Henry is strong

"We could try the Walmart again. It's just down the street." I clear my throat now looking out the nearby window waiting to hear them disagree.

"Hal, Henry wouldn't want you to starve to death, and if we stay here then we will." Amber speaks placing her small hand on my shoulder I quickly shrug it off, she always wants to give up.

"You barely know him! He'd want me to wait for him!" I growl. Amber doesn't like me, or maybe I'm overreacting I don't care, I want my brother.

"But I do Haley." Travis replies, now standing next to me. I don't dare meet his empathetic stare, I just know I'll cry, and boy am I a ugly crier. "He's your big brother, he would want you to be somewhere safe, with people you love and care about. Hey maybe he's out there right now? Ya know getting Kendra and your nephew." I smile at the thought.

Kendra is my sister-in-law and is the sweetest girl ever, she's also a five star chef in my opinion, and a great mom to my little nephew, Kyle.

Maybe Henry is out there with his family, maybe they think I'm dead, or maybe they found a safe place. I couldn't imagine my brother not coming for me though, he's very protective and sometimes controlling.

"So. If he's looking for me then I need to stay in one place." I sniff. It's getting cools out now, probably early October and I only have a thin sweater.

I know what you're thinking, it's the end of the world there should be plenty of clothes to choose from, but when your city is bombed, with random fires being set, oh and dead people walking around trying to kill you? Well you can't really go shopping.

"Haley, please be rational about this, we stay here? We die. Of either starvation, or those things pile up our way and turn us into one of them." Amber is now speaking, with nothing but a serious tone. She turns me swiftly to face her, tears in my eyes I see sympathy in hers. "I know this is hard, how do you think we feel? I have no clue where my sister is and Travis is the same about his parents. We understand Haley we do, but now we have to go, with...or without you."

I'm shocked, she's right and I'm so stubborn, but they'd actually leave me? I'm not the best fighter, nor am I big. Just the average height of 5'6. I'm quick though, so at least I have that in my side. But could I actually make it on my own?

Strength in numbers, Haley.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys, but on the way if I see any sign of my brother, I'll leave." I know my words are alive but I'm sort of hurt they'd leave me even if I'm being dumb, and emotional.

"Alright Haley, whatever you want." Travis coos kissing the side of my head. "We leave at daylight, get some rest."

I shrug Amber's hand off, there's two rooms to this small metal shack, it's guarded by a chain fence that is flimsy as is, they're right, it isn't safe here anymore,

I sit against the wall, the window overhead, showing the sun is just setting, I crawl in my nearby sleeping bag and pull out a crinkled up picture of my brother and I, it was my favorite.

He had just joined the military and was in that army green uniform they all wore, he was just a soldier not a marine, or navy seal, just a simple soldier. His grin was huge in the picture while I had teary eyes and was hugging him tightly, he was eighteen then, and I was only fifteen. It's crazy how seven years ago none of this was even a thought, just something to scare you on Halloween.

Now it's a reality. And is no longer that much fun.

Authors Note:
New story y'all!

There will not be many Authors Notes in this story like there are in my others (sorry 'bout that)
But I just want y'all to give this story a chance, leave a vote of the chapter was to your liking.

Comment 'Cute' if you read this ;)


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