Chapter 7- Pain

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We reach the familiar gas station we left only hours ago, I see a dim light showing either a candle or lantern has been lit, the worry wart in me is thinking that it could be noticed, but of course we need light.

It was a silent walk back, just the gravel cru crunching under our feet. My mind kept the events on replay making me have a million questions, theories and ideas. I'm naturally curious or nosey as Amber calls it, but I don't know Elliot that well, will he calmly reply or blow up in my face like the bipolar dude he is? I guess everyone has their secrets, I sure do.

"Thank god." Travis mutters capturing me in a bone crushing hug as soon as I step in the door.

Amber, Leo and Ellie are right behind him, so Marley, Jerry and the baby must be still in the office. It doesn't feel like we've been gone, that long but judging by the sky it was longer than expected, in not a great liar so I hope no one asks me what took so long.

"Glad you're back, we just cooked some baked beans." Ellie smiles and glances at her brother, that look. It's like she knows something happened, but won't say anything in front of the others.

"Who cares." Elliot sneers knocking my shoulder as he pushes past us. Oh gee here I thought he'd actually pick a mood and stick to it.

I shrug, in response to Travis and Ambers curious stares and move past them to sit by the small fire they have created, there's a good size whole in the ceiling so they picked a good place for ventilation, that's good so we won't inhale too much of the smoke. I sit cross legged as Leo hands me a plastic bowl with a small serving of bakes beans, I hated all beans before the apocalypse, now I'm grateful for them.

"Has Marley eaten?" I ask before taking a bite, I'd gladly give her mine if need be.

"Yes, and I gave her half of mine." Amber smiles. Wow who knew amber could be selfless, I might be too hard on her.

"Here then we can half mine." I offer only to get a glare in return, hey they should be happy before I never shared my food and was highly offended when someone tried to steal some.

I roll my eyes and shove a gooey spoon full in my mouth, gosh I'm so hungry I didn't realize how much till now. Elliot and Ellie's hushed whispers peek my interest as I watch a small Ellie poke her brothers chest, like an authority figure would scold a child. I sip from my water bottle not taking my eyes off the pair, is Elliot talking about what happened? That's not fair he told me not to tell. They disperse, and of course Elliot is wearing a frown and an annoyed glare as he sits across the fire, grabbing a bowl, but Ellie looks as calm as ever and sits next to her brother with a smile she looks to me.

"Maybe you should go see how, Marley and the baby are doing." She speaks eating a spoonful of beans.

I stand to my feet, Travis and Amber are now huddled together not far from the fire, and seem to be trying to sleep. I miss having a bed, even though I only ever had a twin size. Leo is keeping watch with his gun in hand, he looks out the window. I sigh and walk towards the office, when I open the door I see a pale looking Marley, granted with minimum lighting I can't tell if that's her natural skin tone, but it doesn't look good.

I kneel beside her sleeping bag, she has a nice quilt covering her legs and the baby is bundled up in her arms, Jerry sits on the floor, holding her hand and has worry etched all over his face. I take my backpack and start to dig through the medicines, usually we wouldn't give narcotics to a woman who can't pump breast milk, but if I don't then the pain could be too much and she could have increased blood pressure, which isn't good.

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