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well, there it is! I updated 30 days (I suppose this makes it 31) days in a row!

I really hope you enjoyed my writing prompts. Feel free to use the list I used, or if you want to pull some from it go ahead. If you tag me in them, I'd love to read them as well :)

I've been writing poetry for a while now, and other than 'Dead' I've never actually published any of my poetry onto wattpad. It was quite nice being able to show som of you what my poetry is like. I know I wasn't always able to spend hours on the WP works, but I really love all of the pieces I've written for this. If you want, you can tell me your favourites! I'd love to hear feedback as well, so you can either drop a comment or shoot me a PM.

Anyway, as I explained on my message board, I'm going to take a tiny break. I just got back from my DofE (Duke of Edinburgh) expedition training and I'm just fully exhausted. I'm ill and have been all week, and this made walking and running very difficult for me and trust me, we did A LOT of walking. I've busted up my leg as well due to jumping from quite a height earlier on today. I can barely lift it properly to get onto my bed hhh. But the plan is: after my break I'll be re-writing dead. I have some issues with the slight romanticisation of self harm so I'll be changing that whole part. The story will still be mostly the same though. After I've re-written dead, I'll begin working on Paper Swans again. I'd like to get two or three chapters published during the Christmas break, and then it'll return to normal again with one or two chapters a month.

Anyway, happy December!

I truly hope you enjoyed this, and I'd love to do another set of writing prompts again one day!

30 Day Writing PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now