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14. Underwater/Drowning

dove off a cliff
for a moment I think that I forgot how to swim
water filling my lungs
couldn't breathe for a minute
feeling light headed
finally resurfaced

fingers grew numb
my heart would burn
can't scream but I have to
the waves will fight you
too strong I can't struggle
will sink to the rubble

which way do I drown?
in love?
hopeless and stupid
abused but not broken
a bottle of vodka
the sea has spoken

stand up tall
the waves crashing against
cool skin
washing away all the sins
rain on my parade
wash me away
I've fallen in love
can't get back up
give me a hand
this isn't your brand
but you'll do it anyway
a new personality every day
won't you save what you can't keep
if you know it's gonna end up
sinking deep

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