No..It's something else.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I want to open my eyes, but I can't. They won't see anything.

Or, maybe, they're already open.

Yes, that was what that sound was. My paws, hitting the ground.

And then I hear more paws. Following me. Something's following me.

My legs fumble for a quick moment, and then I feel that falling sensation. I hit the ground pretty hard and tumble a ways until I'm staring down my muzzle at the sky.

My muscles ache pretty bad. I had been running for a long time, Hadn't I?

But it all flew by so fast. It was my wolf. He'd taken me here...but where was here?

A second of looking around, and I noticed I was no-man's territory, not far from where my house was.

A howl broke me out of my drugged state. My head began aching something aweful, pounding like two angry lesbians at my door.

I saw a streak of red and then something barreled into me, taking me by surprise. It was something big, with claws larger than mine, with jaws that could nearly encompass my entire skull.

Pain flashed a second later, and I yelped loudly, scrambling on the ground for a hold. It was a wolf, and it smelled unfamiliar.

You see, every pack has a smell. And it smelled unlike them. The only other wolves I was aware of in this vicinity were rogues. The one currently chomping down on my neck might be a loner, but, loners were scavengers. They never attacked first, especially not in a rage like this.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I was surprised to find that the voice speaking to me was female. Rage and hopelessness entwined her vocals as her fangs found their way to my jugular.

No. I would not die this easily. I rolled, ripping my neck out from between her jaws. Of course, this caused more damage then good, but at least I wasn't dead.

My jugular was intact. But my neck was shredded.

I backed up to gain enough ground from my quarry, but suddenly I felt a sharp nip of pain on my back leg. I looked behind me to find another rogue, keeping me from escaping. This one was male, pure white, with golden eyes and yellow fangs.

I snarled and whirled on him, taking a tuft of fur from just above his eye. He backed off, but then the red one came in for another swing. This time she lodged her bloody teeth into my shoulder, shaking me like a rag doll, until the world I saw was just a circular blur.

This bitch was too big for her own good.

First thing first: I had to stop my universe from spinning. I planted my paws on the ground, digging my nails into the dirt, and used my inner inertia to shove her a bit off balance. This left her open for attack. I took the chance and bit clean through her left ear, the only vulnerable place I could spot within the half second she allowed me to lunge.

One howl of pain later, and I now had enough room to breath, had my breathing tube not been strained to a breaking point. It would hold, but I would have a weeze during this battle. If she managed to get her mouth around my throat again, I was finnished. This in itself meant I had to tender that spot, leaving other areas in my guard open.

I panted heavily. The run had taken a lot out of me, but this random attack had me on the verge of passing out. My blood and a bit of hers mixed together on the forest floor beneath us.

Her bloodshot eyes watched me hungrily. Although my 'mate' thing came into effect here since she was unmated (and claiming I killed her mate), her rage had blinded her from that fact.

Everyone's Mate (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now