Chapter 12

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There was a boy. A very lonesome boy. He played alone with his toys, the toys those scientists gave him. He had no friends and no parents. He was abnormal.

A freak.

"Come here," Those scientists smiled at him with plastic faces and white teeth. They did funny things to him, and after a while, he wasn't himself anymore.

He became a feral child. He soon stopped complying and attacked the scientists that hurt him, clawing and biting with all his might. But they were stronger than him, for he was only 9.

And still they did things to him.

Until one day, the bad people got caught.

"Hide in this cupboard, and don't come out, you filthy thing." The woman said and shoved him in a drawer in the kitchen. He stayed put like an obedient dog only because this was better than having his brain dissected.

And then it happened; through a crack in the wood he watched as the scientists were killed and dragged out of the house. The big scary people that took them smelled funny; they smelled like the forest. Like him.

As they were leaving, the boy whimpered loudly. A man stopped. He turned and looked at the moving cabinet, and opened it. He gasped at what he saw inside; inside was a young boy who captured his heart instantly.

The boy was passed around and then brought to the alpha. The alpha, too, fell for the boy. The alpha used to have a mate, but she died a long time ago from a rogue attack.

At first, the boy hated everyone. But they showed such love that he couldn't help but love them back. Especially the alpha. He was special to the boy. The boy felt as if the man were his father.

The Alpha's son, too, had a special place in the boy's heart. The two were best friends, they did everything together. The day the Alpha told his son that his best friend had died, was the worst day of the young leader's life.

And that boy's name was...

"Alex, you think he's okay?" A feminine voice said.

I woke up and stared at the ceiling.

"Oh my gosh! I think he's awake!"

All of a sudden, Allie's features crowded my vision. She kissed my face and threw her arms around my neck, burying her face in my hair.

"I was so worried!" She cried. "I seriously thought something bad had happened!"

I slowly got up. A lot of the things back then had been blacked out. I didn't like remembering them. My heart ached for them now that I could remember.

Alex came into my sight. His sister was beside him with a kind smile.

"Alex?" I stared at him in a daze for a while. He was the alpha's son, the boy I used to play with. I guess the simple mention of the Renzi pack gave me a blast from the past. It was just so much that I passed out.

And all this time... I hadn't even recognized him.

He gave me a crooked smile. "Yeah? Are you okay? You gave me- US, quite a scare there."

I inspected his features. He had changed a lot from back then. He didn't have the untainted innocence he had back then. He wasn't all soft skin and happy smiles anymore. He was alpha material, with strong arms and a body that could do some damage – both physically and mentally. He was grown up, and so was I. And with being older came certain feelings I really didn't care to notice.

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