Luke Hemmings returns

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Luke is/was Brianna's manager.

6 am

It's six am and im running all the way back to the Team 10 mansion, I'd get there at 7 am, so hopefully Jake wouldnt be up yet, but I dunno.

So I got back to the Team 10 mansion and luckily Jake wasn't downstairs yet, which was good, I rushed up to my room and quickly had a shower and changed into comfortable pic above I went downstairs and Jake was downstairs eating his breakfast.

Brianna: hi Jake.
Jake: hey, you okay??
Brianna: yeah, what we doing today??
Jake: I dunno.                                    brianna: oh okay.

1 pm

It's now the afternoon, I'm in my room, playing video games. The day has been boring so far, nothing much has happened. Kade came into my room.
Kade: Brianna, can we talk??
Brianna: about your brother who's a clingy asshole??
Kade: yeah....
Brianna: then... Sure.

I paused the video game and Kade sat down next to me on my giant bed.
Kade: I'm sorry about when he did that.
Brianna: and I'm sorry for punching him too.
Kade: it's alright, to be honest he did deserve it.
Brianna: really??
Kade: yeah.
Brianna: okay....

we heard Jake yell.
Kade: we'd better go down to see what he wants...
He said. We went downstairs and saw Jake talking to Luke (my manager), Michael, Ashton and Calum were there with him.

Brianna: what are u doing here??
I asked, Luke looked at me, so did everyone else.
Luke: have you still got my number??
Brianna: yeah.... why??
Luke: sign this if you want, let me know what you think and I'll call you.             
                                                 Brianna: why should i sign this?!
Luke: you are doing a charity gig.
Brianna: what?! no i'm not, i didn't agree to this!
Luke: I'll send you the details.
Brianna: why am I doing a charity gig?!! When did you decide this?!
Luke: I didn't, I had to agree, your lawyers set this up.
Brianna: fucking hell

Brianna: what ever, just text me what I need to know and I'll get this stupid contract signed.
He nodded.
Luke: okay, see you tomorrow then.
Brianna: yeah whatever.
I said and walked off with the contract in my hand.
Michael: what's going on with her??
Jake: dunno, but thanks for coming
Luke: no worries, any time mate.
The 4 boys left the mansion.......

Hi, soz these keep getting shorter.. I'm starting to run out of ideas for this story, so I might end it soon xo

Word count: 429

-kayla xx

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