Nathan's in hospital

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It's the next day and I'm woken up by Kade, who was crying.
Brianna: Kade! Why are you crying?? Sit down.
He sat down on my bed, I hugged him, I've never seen him cry before.
Brianna: what's happened Kade??
Jake came rushing in, I don't think he's ever seen Kade cry either.
Jake: Brianna, can you quickly get dressed please?? We need to go to the hospital!
He said and rushed out again. I was confused.
Kade: Nathan is in hospital!
Brianna: WHAT?!! what happened to him Kade??
Kade: he was in a car crash!
Brianna: shit! If you want you can stay here and I'll quickly get dressed!

He nodded and I rushed to my huge walk in wardrobe and threw on some clean clothes pic above, Kade was still sat on my bed, Anthony was there with him.
Brianna: let's go!
Me, Kade and Anthony ran downstairs and outside and into the team 10 van. Jake got in and began to drive down to the hospital, me and Kade were crying.
Brianna: I hope your brother will be okay...

At the hospital...

We'd reached the hospital and parked the van, we then all got out and rushed into the hospital, Jake spoke to the lady at the reception and got someone to take us up to see Nathan.
Nurse: you can't see Mr Speiser at the moment as doctors are examining him. You can wait in the waiting area until you can see him.

Kade: what about family??
Nurse: what's your relation with him??
Kade: brother and she's his girlfriend.
He said pointing to me.
Nurse: I'll see what I can do but in the mean time you'll have to wait in the waiting area.

We all went into the waiting area and sat down, me and Kade sat next to each other, Kade held my hand, he was shaking.
Kade: Nathan's strong, whatever is happening in there I know he'll make it.
He said to me and hugged me. one hour later a doctor came to see us.
Doctor: are you all here for Nathan Speiser??
Jake: yes, how is he??
Doctor: he's good, but he's in a coma. The car crash was pretty nasty.

Kade: has he broken anything??
Doctor: no, he's very lucky that he hasn't broken anything.
Kade: can we go see him now??
Doctor: sure, if you all follow me please
We all stood up and followed the doctor, Kade was still holding my hand and shaking.
Brianna: whatever happens I'll be here for you.
I told Kade and he nodded

We all entered the room Nathan was in, everyone gathered around the hospital bed.
Kade: oh my god.... I've failed as a big brother
He mumbled.
Brianna: no you haven't, these things happen.
Kade: I know... Can we sit down??
Brianna: sure.
Me and Kade sat down on the chairs that were in the room. Kade finally let go of my hand? Everyone else sat down, Kade was so upset.
Kade: Brianna, Can we go and talk??
Brianna: sure.
We left the room and sat down in the waiting area.

Brianna: what's up??
Kade: can I ask you something about car crashes??
I tensed slightly?
Brianna: sure, what do you wanna know??
Kade: what are they like, from your P.O.V?
Brianna: well um... I don't know how to describe it really... Its... horrible, i felt like everything was over, I had no idea what was going on, I didn't know what happened after the crash.
Kade: what was it like after??
Brianna: well after being in a coma for two weeks, I woke up and had no idea what was going on. The doctor explained it all to me. Ever since that day I woke up, I tried to move on, but it I couldn't sleep at all, that was when I found out I had insomnia and I was failing everything.

Kade: what were you failing??
Brianna: school, my grades were going down, I was become more bad and getting into loads more fights but the only good thing at the time I was becoming more successful and popular.
Kade: so how did you do it, moving on??
Brianna: I don't know... I guess it was music and being on stage that helped the most.
I told him, he hugged me again.
Kade: thanks a lot Brianna, I'm gonna go back now, you wanna come with me?
Brianna: no thanks I'm gonna go get some air.
Kade: okay see ya.
He said trying to smile, he hugged me once more and walked away, back to the others in the room Nathan was in.

I went all the way out the hospital and leaned against the wall, I slid down the wall and brought my knees up to my chest and my head down, crying uncontrollably. 10 minutes later i had stopped crying, I went back inside and all the way back up to the room Nathan is in. The others weren't in there only doctors and nurses.
Nurse: sorry Brianna but you can't come in right now.
Brianna: why not, is Nathan okay??

Nurse: no... Were Trying to save his life, he has 10% chance of living
Brianna: no...
nurse: I'm sorry we're doing everything we can, please to wait for us with the others.
Brianna: okay, but please..... Just make sure he makes it....
I asked her, I walked to the waiting area and sat down next to Anthony.

Brianna: please make it Nathan....
I whispered, we had to wait another 2 hours and the nurse came out again.
Nurse: team 10??
We all looked at her.
Kade: well??
Nurse: we're not sure he'll make it, but we're doing everything......
Brianna: well then may i suggest that you get your ass back in that room and do absolutely everything you guys can to save his life!!
I shouted and she rushed back to help.

It's like 10 pm now and we've been in this hospital almost all day. Finally Nathan's doctor came out to see us, we all stood up, me and Kade were holding hands, praying that Nathan made it.
Brianna: well, did he make it???
Doctor: yes! He did! We were successful and saved him! He's awake if you all wanna see him.
We all cheered, me and Kade hugged.

Kade: he made it!!
He said, he sounded so happy. We all ran into his room, Kade went and hugged Nathan, everyone else hugged Nathan and then I hugged Nathan, he kissed me on the cheek, I was so glad he made it!!

Hey! I'm thinking of twisting this part a little, as what would've happened it Nathan Speiser didn't make it, if you want me to do that then leave a vote, comment or even share!

Word count: 1135

-kayla xx

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