chapter 19

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I was finally discharged from hospital, chance and Anthony helped me walk as I couldn't fully walk on my own yet.
Jake: ready for your surprise?
Brianna: hell yeah!
Jake: great, cover her eyes.
Anthony covered my eyes and someone else held my hand to guide me inside, I think it was Chance. I could hear something so I stopped walking .

Brianna: what's that sound???                                                              Jake: cover her ears                            someone covered my ears and i continued walking.                                                                                          I then felt someone take my hands off my ears and Anthony Took his hands away from my eyes, I was shocked as to what I saw. Balloons, a DJ, food, drinks, presents and everyone from my old school. Everyone yelled ' HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!'. I already knew this party was about to be lit. After the party started I quickly went upstairs to change into something nice. A tight black dress and high heels.

One hour later.

I was dancing with Emilio when Jake came over to me, looking worried and scared.
Jake: someone's here to see you, he's waiting in your room.
I looked at Emilio and then back at Jake and shrugged.
Brianna: cool
Jake: do you know who I'm talking about??
Brianna: yes, i do

I went upstairs and into my room and saw Isak                                         Brianna: hey
Isak: hey I missed you
He said hugging me.
Brianna: likewise
I said slightly sarcastic and rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking.
Isak: I heard about Lewis, I'm so sorry
Brianna: uh huh 
Isak: happy birthday sweetie
Brianna: thanks
Isak: listen. I know that Jake and everyone else hates me right now, but can we be friends?
Brianna: yeah, sure
Isak: thanks.
Brianna: whatever
I mumbled under my breath, I didnt really wanna be friends with him or have anything to do with him because I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

After the party.

The party was so lit, isak was allowed to stay to help clean up after the house was cleaned up he left. I had so many presents that I was struggling to take them all upstairs, Emilio had came to help me take them up to my room.
Brianna: thanks for helping Emilio
Emilio: that's okay.
He said and left, he seemed quite pissed off so I went to go find Ivan.

Ivan: hey Brianna
Brianna: hey Ivan... why is Emilio so pissed off??
(Brianna and Ivan are now speaking to each other in Spanish)
Ivan: él piensa que usted y el isak están saliendo otra vez. ( He thinks you and isak are dating again).

Brianna: no, yo e isak somos sólo amigos y nada más. ¿Por qué está celoso? ( No, me and isak are only friends and nothing else. Why is he jealous?)
Ivan: sí, le gusta, le gusta mucho. (No, he likes you, really likes you)
Brianna: oh, ¿debería ir a hablar con él? (Oh, shall I go talk to him?)
Ivan: Iré a hablar con él primero. ( I'll go talk to him first)
Brianna: Bueno (okay)

So Ivan went to go talk to his brother, when I got a text from Lewis' number, which I was confused with as he had committed suicide over two months ago.

Lewis's message: hey babe xx
my message: who are you?? Lewis is dead.
Lewis's message: no he's not.
my message: he is, he committed suicide over 2 months ago.
Lewis's message: yeah, because of you!!
my message: excuse me?! Who the fuck do you think you are?!!
Lewis's message: be here in ten minutes and you'll see who I am.
my message: fine, but I won't be alone.
Lewis's message: neither will I!!

I was with Anthony and I showed him the messages. He was also annoyed and curious.
Anthony: how can someone have his phone? When he was in London when he killed himself?
Brianna: I dunno, what if he never committed suicide and someone killed him??
Anthony: well let's go find out.
Anthony told Jake that he was taking me to Starbucks. Jake was cool with it and had no idea what was about to happen.

Hey!! So I am back editing this story! Sorry it's been so long, I've had so so much going on and now that we're in quarantine I'd thought I'd start editing again! :) Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I know little Spanish so sometimes I have to use Google translate, if I got anything wrong please let me know xo

Word count: 633

-kayla xx

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