『Chapter Seventeen』|〖FINAL〗

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[Your POV]

It's been a while since he left...ten years to be exact, I mean exactly ten years. Everyone else is gone now it's just me and Casper here now. My little boy, my miracle. My life nowadays consisted of sitting across from Casper, playing a game of chess. He's pretty good for a ten-year-old, in fact, he's good at everything; cooking, cleaning, singing, playing instruments...shapeshifting too...you know the usual. Just like me, when he was born he had an animal's tail and ears but he was that of a fox. The others were a little surprised when he was born, Baldroy and Finny hid in the corner and Mey-Rin fainted. Tanaka stood there staring at him, for a while he was quiet...but then he smiled and said in his calm, elderly voice. "He looks just like him, he even has those eyes." He handed the scarlet-eyed baby to me and patted his head. "I always wanted a grandchild." I saw a tear in his eyes before he turned away and deflated into his chibi form and offered me tea with that classic 'oh ho ho'.

Tanaka was the only one who stayed...right to the very end. Baldo went to become a chef in a famous noble's house who liked everything flambéed. That was about ten months after Ciel and...that man left. Mey-Rin was next to go five years afterward when a tall man with glasses visited the mansion, looking for a place to stay and he fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. She came to love him too and they left the house together once they had got married. After that Lizzy stopped visiting and so did prince Soma...in short all of the usual guests just stopped appearing. That was when Finny chose to go, that made me sad because we had become close, he was like a brother to me then. He's currently a zookeeper at London Zoo. When he told me I was so happy for him, he spends all day outside, works with animals, and is strong enough to keep even the lions in check. It seemed perfect so a year ago he left too. Then Tanaka got sick. Casper and I loved him; He was like a father to me and a grandfather to Casper. He passed away at the grand old age of ninety and left Casper his tea set and a huge range of diaries that held all the stories and secrets of the mansion to me. that was a week ago.

Casper...well what to say about him. He really does look a lot like Sebas- like him. The girls at his school have fallen in love already even though they are all only ten years old. His party trick is morphing into a fox, his favorite animal, he says he likes their cunning, their sly personalities, and the way the parents care so much for the cubs. He has always been by my side since the day he was born and always says he will protect me. Everyone, he meets he instantly befriends and he has no enemies...well...maybe you could count his dad. No matter how many times I tell Casper how much I loved his father, he always frowns and crosses his arms saying. "Anyone who could leave you alone mum is nothing to me." Secretly I think he is just upset that he has never met the man I loved.

So yeah, back on topic. It was Casper's birthday!

"Casper!" I called as I entered his room with a plate of waffles and some milky tea with three sugars. He sat up sleepily in his bed and rubbed his eyes, yawning. "Mum!" he smiled happily and started to get out of bed. "No, no! My little prince today is your special day. You get breakfast in bed today." He grinned as he settled back down into the bed. He took the tray with his breakfast and ate the waffles in no time at all. He gulped down the tea and then made a face. "Oops did I do it wrong again?" He giggled. "Mum! How many times have I told you, you only need to add three teaspoons of tea leaves to the pot." I laughed at him and his always wise words. "Grandpa taught you far too much." He smiled and patted the ears that always seemed to be on my head nowadays. "Hurry and get dressed and then come downstairs for your present." "Okay." His eyes glowed a little pink when I said the word 'present' and he kissed my forehead before I left.

I was sat in the rocking chair in the living room, I was finishing off Casper's birthday present. It was a new jacket with a small fox as a badge on the breast pocket. The sewing was almost finished, it would only take another two minutes or so. That was when I heard my son come barrelling down the stairs, I tried to hide the jacket somewhere but there was nowhere I could put it without knocking over the huge array of clothes-making equipment I had stacked all around me. I panicked a little I didn't want to present him with an unfinished jacket.
That was when there was a knock on the door...an opportunity. "Casper, can you get that?"
"Huh?" there was a little humor laced into his voice. "I thought today I was a Prince. Honestly, did that Soma ever open his own door?" he shouted back, laughing. I heard the door being opened and his usual cocky answer. "Hello sir, and what are you selling today?" I giggled as I finished up the sewing and hastily packed away the other equipment.

𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 | Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now