『Chapter Two』

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[Your POV]

I woke up in the same room I was in before, the only difference was I was in a bed. The room was elegant the walls had wooden paneling along the lower part of them and the upper part was painted a wonderful rich red color. I sat up gently in the bed and tried to not hurt my leg again. It was then that I realized my leg no longer hurt. I swung my leg off the bed to inspect it, there was a new bandage around it and when I moved my leg around I could barely feel any pain at all.

I had been dressed in some loose pajamas. My face got hot at the thought of Sebastian undressing me, but then it was obvious that my rags were still left on underneath my pajamas, so I cooled down a little. I knew I must still be slightly red because the thought of Sebastian made my chest feel like it was on fire. I got up out of bed unsure of what to do now, it was then that I saw the green dress at the bottom of the bed with a note folded up on top of the dress.

The words on the page were a little hard to read...okay very hard...I can't read! I grew up in a hospital and then lived on the streets, reading was never really a priority. I removed my pajamas and my street rags and put on the beautiful emerald-colored dress. It fell beautifully to the floor. I had never worn anything like this before it felt so expensive I was sure I would ruin it if I wore it for too long. Then I realized that well I didn't smell. It sounds a little disgusting, but I always had a certain smell around me since I never got the chance to wash, someone must have washed me, immediately I blushed again.

I brushed my (H/C) hair with a brush that had also been left on the bed for me. And washed my face in a sink nearby and then walked out of the room to go and explore and try to find out where I was supposed to go. The halls were empty, in a mansion as big as this I always thought that there would be servants everywhere. Just as I thought this an old man was walking towards me with a kind smile on his face. "Excuse me miss, may I ask who you are and why you were coming out of mister Sebastian's room." He said in a very kindly way, my eyes widened at the thought of sleeping in his bed and I was sure I went slightly pink.

However, I was very at ease around him I liked old people they were always the ones who would take pity on a poor girl on the streets and give her money or food. I smiled at the man saying "Hello, I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you, uhm would you please tell me where I can find Sebastian, the sorts of rescued me last night." I tried my best to avoid the last part of his question, but the old man's eyebrows still raised. "It is very strange for Sebastian to take someone in without the young master's permission, you must be very special." He smiled gently.

"Sebastian will be serving breakfast to the young master in the dining room now I can take you there if you like, I am Tanaka by the way." "That's very kind of you Tanaka, yes please show me to the dining room." "Of course, Miss. (Y/N), will you be staying long?" "Well Tanaka I'm not sure, I was brought here very late last night so I didn't really get a chance to understand what was going on." A slight laugh escaped my lips. "I kept on passing out." I explained. "Well, then I hope you won't pass out too soon." Tanaka said with a confused smile, he stopped talking for a while as he led me around the mansion, we stopped at a door.

"Here we are, it was very nice meeting you, I can see why Sebastian would have taken a liking to you." Just then Tanaka deflated and looked kind of chibi. "Wait what do you mean taken a liking to me?" "Ho ho ho" laughed Tanaka sipping a cup of green tea which he pulled out from nowhere. "...O-kay...nice to meet you too Tanaka, thank you for showing me here." I smiled at the old man, and gave him a small bow, although he was strange he made me laugh, I liked this mansion. The people were strange but still so kind.

I hope the 'young master' Tanaka mentioned briefly, won't mind me staying here for a short time. I was about to knock on the door, but just then a young boy, who looked about twelve years old, came barging out of the room and bumped into me. He had blue-gray hair, an eye patch covering his right eye and his left eye was bright blue. He was wearing a very smart outfit. I knew this must be the young master. "Watch out you stupid girl!" He shouted.

𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 | Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now