『Chapter Five』

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[Sebastian's POV]

I made my way to my young master's room, the walk was long, so I had far too much time to think. I couldn't see her anymore this was dangerous. If both she and the Young Master were ever both in danger, who would I save, I have an obligation to the little bra-master but no I have to try hard to avoid her. I must get unattached, but she wouldn't be of any use to Ciel if she cannot learn to transform into something more protective.

I stopped at my master's door and let out a long sigh. "Good morning young master, today's tea is-" I had been so distracted I forgot to bring his teacup. "My apologies My Lord, I have forgotten your tea." The brat... Ciel smirked. There was no fooling him for a human child he was wise far beyond his years. However, selling your soul can do that to a person I suppose. "Not a problem Sebastian I will receive my tea in the dining room today." He said raising his arms, so I could dress him for the day. "How did your 'preparations' for Lizzy's visit go?" Ciel said still smirking, he knew exactly what happened last night.

"Oh, and do tell me Sebastian how is Miss. (Y/N) this morning did you entertain her sufficiently last night." due to my silence he grew impatient, "Answer me, Sebastian!" "She was asleep. My lord." Ciel looked surprised that I had admitted it, though if I had lied he would have known about it. "Sebastian are you in lo-" I had to cut him off I would cure myself of this and remain the number one butler. "My lord sorry, but if we don't get you breakfast soon you will be far too hungry for Miss Elizabeth's extended visit." Ciel looked almost sorry for me... he may annoy me sometimes but there is no doubt that he understood me almost better than I understood myself. "Yes, Sebastian you are right, prepare my breakfast." "Yes, My Lord." I said glad he had let the subject of Miss. (Y/N) go. Could I really forget about her?

[Your POV]

I fell back into bed, the emotions inside me didn't feel right, they were confusing, they burnt me up inside. I felt wide awake and exhausted at the same time. This had never happened to me before, it's obvious that a street urchin worries more about food than romance, so of course, I didn't know what to do. "I have to avoid him." I said out loud. "Maybe if I don't think about him or talk to him then I will get him out of my head. It didn't work I slowly got changed into my maid uniform, it was quite a bit shorter than Mey-Rin's, it stopped just above my knees.

There was another hole in the back of the dress it was covered with a light fabric so that if my tail popped out it would be able to move, but no one would be able to notice the hole without my tail...Sebastian must have done it for me last night... damn, okay the not thinking about him thing lasted about a minute.

I put on some stockings to make sure my legs were covered, and brushed my (H/L) (H/C) hair, and left it down. I put on my maid's headdress looked in the mirror to check how I looked. I was surprised, my hair was shining, my eyes looked big and bright I looked good... my surroundings were affecting me.

The way I was treated by everyone, was influencing me. I remembered that Shifters' health is affected by their environment, so this is what I looked like when I was treated correctly. I had a job a home, some friends and some presents. These were all new to me I had always looked so unhealthy the only thing that ever kept me alive was the hope I felt every time that a person gave me food or money. I realized just how happy I was here and how happy I could be if I stayed. I smiled at my reflection and left my room.

[Five Minutes Later]

"Mey-Rin!" I called down the hallway waving at her, the fact that Sebastian visited me last night made me more certain about Mey-Rin. When she turned around I saw that she was carrying a huge stack of plates. "Whoa." I ran forward and caught the plates before they fell to the floor. "Have you ever thought of only carrying a few plates at a time?" Mey-Rin let out a nervous giggle. "Y-you're right, Miss.- I mean (Y/N) how about we take half each?" We split the plates, but she was still having a hard time carrying them, so I said. "Look I'll take all of them and you can open the doors for me, how does that sound?" Her eyes widened clearly, she didn't think I was capable. "Don't worry I have great balance." I do spend like have my time as a cat I thought.

𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 | Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang