『Chapter Nine』

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[Your POV]

I let out a loud yawn as I stretching to make myself feel more awake. I pawed at the area to my right trying to feel Sebastian, with my eyes still closed. All I felt was a soft fabric and a rough piece of paper. "Damn." I said aloud to myself. I'm not sure what I was cussing about; the fact that he had left me another note that I couldn't read as I still hadn't told him I was unable to, the fact that he had left me a freshly washed and pressed maid uniform on my pillow (which seemed significantly more revealing than my last one). Or possibly it was the fact I had missed an opportunity to watch him sleep. I pulled on my uniform before looking at the note folded up on my clothes. I smiled at the piece of paper as I opened it, instead of his curly calligraphy style writing there were beautifully drawn diagrams and pictures showing my day's jobs.

To start he had drawn a picture of a feather duster and the living room. Then a sink of water and a small stack of plates was depicted next. There was a picture of Sebastian wearing a tutor's hat and glasses. He held a pointer to a blackboard with strange letters drawn on it along with many small animals and I was drawn to wearing a schoolgirl outfit that revealed more skin than my new maid uniform. I giggled as I saw the final picture birds were tweeting and flying around the bottom of the page...I assumed this meant good morning. There was a picture of a red eye, a love heart, and then a picture of me sleeping soundly in bed. 

I summed up my day's chores aloud to myself. Dust and clean the living room, wash the dishes, and attend a few lessons from Sebastian to learn how to read and master my shifting capabilities. Then I would tell him I loved him again and again, it wasn't exactly a chore but an added extra that I would certainly take up. I placed my maid's headdress on my head and left the room smiling happily to myself...I couldn't keep last night of my head. My heart began racing as blood rushed to my face as I remembered how he had looked, I picked up a feather duster from the living room behind a bookcase. And danced around the room dusting off every area I could access, humming happily. 

The sooner I finished the sooner I could see him. I had finished the room within minutes, every surface, ornament, vase, and piece of the furniture shone and sparkled. I smiled before walking back into the hall and closing the door behind me. When I turned I saw Lizzy standing behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, although kind-hearted something about this girl freaked me the hell out...it was probably that pink bunny dress I thought and shivered. Yes, it was definitely the pink dress. "-ing?" I hadn't released that I didn't hear a word she had said until she had finished. I curtsied to her and said. "I'm sorry Miss Eliza-" "Lizzy!" She said as she pouted.  "I'm sorry Lizzy." I started again. "I apologize I didn't hear your question." Lizzy giggled. "Are you sure you just didn't want to avoid the question...Heehee...I asked are you and Sebastian...you know...courting?" I blushed the deepest shade of red there was, redder than Grell's Hair, redder than Sebastian's eyes. I looked down. "I'll take that as I yes." She giggled. "I saw the way you danced together. 

I saw him almost kiss you when I burst through the door the other day. I see the way he looks like you. I'm not an idiot (Y/N), when are you going to see him today?" I was surprised by the confidence that she had. It reminded me of the confidence Ciel showed that first time we played chess, I could tell they would be good with one another. "I just have to wash the dishes and then I will be off to see him," I smiled, "he is going to tutor me." "I have the cutest outfit for you." She beamed. "come up to my room before you see him, it's always fun to keep a man waiting." I thought how would she know, but then I realized she probably knew much more about relationships than me. She had known the love of her life since she was a child. I had known mine for a matter of days. "Okay, agreed." I bowed to her and hurried to the kitchen to finish up my chores. "Knock, knock." I said playfully as I tapped on the little lady's door. She opened the door and peeked her head out looking from right to left as if checking the coast was clear. 

𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 | Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now