『Chapter Three』

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[Sebastian's POV]

That afternoon was strange, many things had happened that day that even I had never seen before, Ciel lost a game of chess, and he also let someone win. "Your move" Ciel repeated, he seemed to have been getting impatient with her, surprisingly this put me on edge. During breakfast I had told Ciel about our guest, he seemed very interested in her power having never met a shapeshifter before.

Although I wasn't sure she could control it fully yet, I, however, know a lot about the odd things that often occur in this world. Being a demon has its perks you get to meet a lot of interesting people and learn a lot about them. I told Ciel that if he could let her stay as perhaps an employee I could tutor her on how to shapeshift more effectively, so she could be of more use to him in his game. However, I would have to spend more time around her and I wasn't sure that I should, she was distracting.

How could I continue to be one hell of a butler, with her around as a distraction? However, I certainly didn't want her to leave...Do you see? There she was in my mind again yet another distraction as I missed a note on the violin as I was playing during their chess match, I bowed and apologized before going to make some tea, hmm I wonder if she likes Earl Gray...?

[Your POV]

"Your move." Ciel repeated, honestly the boy was impatient did he not realize that chess was a game where you must consider all possible outcomes before making each move? I sighed and moved a pawn forward two spaces. "There, happy?" I said exasperatedly. "Very good, now I'd like to discuss your stay, here in the Phantomhive manor." He said barely even glancing at the board as he moved another piece, just then Sebastian's beautiful violin playing stopped and Ciel glared at his butler.

Sebastian bowed gracefully and apologized for a mistake I hadn't noticed, before hurrying away into another room, he was certainly odd. Ciel chuckled under his breath before saying. "Hah, I have never seen him so flustered before, particularly over a mere human, cats sure, but you, hah." I wasn't sure what to say to that, the thought of Sebastian thinking about me made me feel very strange again, like how I felt when he stroked my ear or when I woke up to find him kneeling by my head or when he picked me up after another attack from the dog named Pluto.

"Well." I said moving one Bishop from his original place. "I can only hope I am allowed to stay long enough to fluster him some more." Ciel smiled and briefly I saw his left eye twinkle wickedly as if having a wonderful idea. "I have decided to let you stay for as long as you like Miss. (Y/N) as long as you stay not as a guest but as some sort of servant for me." I was shocked, I had convinced myself the boy didn't like me.

The game continued for a while, pawns were taken along with bishops and the odd rook, I then looked at him saying. "Thank you very much Earl Phantomhive, it would be a great honor to work here for you, what would you have me do?" We were continually moving pieces, and then I noticed him move his knight in a way knights are not supposed to move, he looked up at me. "This chess board is like my life." He paused thinking about his words carefully. "Each person I know has a role in my game and this-" he held up his king. "-is me. Your work shall be to protect the King and if necessary-" his wandering knight took one of my pawns, "-sacrifice yourself for my dream." He looked up and smiled.

"Check." "That was an illegal move." I said disgruntled by his high and mighty words that were ended by his cheating. "There are no illegal moves in my life's game miss (Y/N), no rules, no regulations, just me, my disposable pieces, and my knight who is devoted to protecting my dream." He said gesturing to the board, and then to his Knight and then to his King, still smiling sarcastically. "You say life has no rules," I said noticing he had left himself open for me to move out of check and put his King into checkmate all in one move.

𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 | Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now