TheFirstMaster: Female Body Parts ;)

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Question: what is your fave part of female's body? (I'm not saying that go get pervert here) but what part of them gets you attractive to them like their eyes or something

Natsu: Are you asking both of us?

Happy: Well I like a girl's eyes a lot!

Natsu: True... But I don't really pay as much attention to a girl's look... I guess I'd have to say what I really like is her heart. :)

Happy: That's not normal Natsu...

Natsu: e_e I didn't mean her actual heart... I mean her personality and feelings.

Happy: Oh...

Natsu: What's the point of a girl if she isn't sweet?

Happy: I didn't think of it like that... Hmm... But it's still really nice if she has pretty eyes.

Natsu: *muttering* Or nice breasts...

Happy: What was that, Natsu? O.o

Natsu: Eh? Nothing...

Happy: =__=

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