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Hello! Wow it's been a few years. I apologise for giving up on writing for a while, it wasn't intentional. :(
ANYWAY. I've so missed adding on to this and I hope I can keep it up for the future!

I've missed my cupcakes so very much.



Sherlock, I'll be late home from work tonight. -JW

Neighhhhhhh.. -SH

Uh, okay? I'll just assume you're doing some experiment on equine vocal ranges. -JW

Prrrffft. -SH

What is going on? -JW

Prrrrfffffttttttt. -SH

Oookay. I'll talk to you later. -JW


Done what? Learned how to text in horse tongue? -JW

Almost. I've taught Claude to text. -SH

What on-. I don't understand. -JW

It took a lot of jelly bean persuasion, and the occasional grooming, but we got there. -SH

How does he text? He doesn't even have fingers! -JW

I think you'll be quite impressed, my dear doctor. -SH

I'm sure, just tell me you didn't feed him my socks again. -JW

Only one sock was needed this time. -SH

I guess that's better than my entire sock drawer like last time. Wait. Back to the matter at hand. Can Claude even read? -JW

Of course? I've made dinner for us all, so please try to hurry home. -SH

Alright.. See you later. -JW

Neigh. -SH

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