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Sherlock? Did you manage to get the balloons? -JW

What balloons? -SH

The ones for the party! -JW

What party? -SH

My party Sherlock. -JW

Why are you having a party and why am I not invited? -SH

You'd think that you being such a genius, you would remember things like this. -JW

I do have slightly more important things to worry about. You know. Murders. -SH

I told you about it this morning! It doesn't take that much of your brain power to remember. -JW

You want me to get balloons? -SH

It's my birthday Sherlock. We are having a party tonight. That's why I wanted you to get balloons. -JW

Ah. I'm sorry John. -SH

I'm at the front door anyway. See you in a minute. -SH

... -SH

What is it Sherlock? -JW


You remembered? -JW

I would never forget. -SH

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