Part Two

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We pull up to Baskerville in the car. I must say I do love this car. Maybe I'll convince Mycroft to get me one for my birthday. Not that I'd ever use it. It would save John and I a lot of money we'd normal spend on cabs.

"Pass, please?" I give the uniformed man 'my' ID as he approaches the window.

"Thank you" He nods. I nod back, trying not to smirk.

"We got ID for Baskerville? How?" John asks. I like the way he said we, I think with a little smile.

"It's not specific to this place. It's my brother's. Access all areas. I, um.. acquired it ages ago, just in case" I make sure to keep relatively quiet as the guard dogs sniff around the exterior of car.

"Brilliant" John mutters sarcastically.

"What's the matter?" I look over at the man beside me.

"We'll get caught"

"No we won't" I shake my head. On second thought.. "Well, not just yet"

"Caught in five minutes" John insists "Oh hi, we just thought we'd come and have a wonder around your top secret weapons base. Really? Great. Come in, kettles just boiled. That's if we don't get shot"

I smile at his version of events. He's wrong though, as usual. It's cute when he tries though.

The uniformed guard returns, handing me the ID. "Here you are. Thank you, very much"

"Thank you" If I'm being Mycroft may as well use my manners.

"Straight through, sir" I hear another guard say as the gates open.

I drive in with a smirk. It's always fun breaking the rules, plus my dear brother might get into trouble.

"Mycrofts name literally opens doors" John says, clearly amazed we got away with it.

"I've told you. He practically is the British Government. I reckon we've got about twenty minutes before they realise some things wrong" I tell John as we pull up at the barriers at the end of the road.

He climbs out and follows some guard towards a door. Poor guy, his wife's cheating on him. Oh, he knows. And he's cheating too. Naughty man.

A car pulls up as we near the door and another uniformed man jumps out. His hair is black and cut short, exactly how military men have their hair. He's new to this though, he holds himself a little unsure. He's naive too, not a good quality for someone working in security. He doesn't have a large family, he's the youngest of two siblings, no three siblings.

"What is it? Are we in trouble?" He asks, again showing he's new too this way of life.

"Are we in trouble, sir?" I repeat. I'm Mycroft after all, best be as stuck up as possible.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir" He stands straighter.

"You were expecting us?" I ask, he arrived quickly.

"Your ID showed up straight away Mr Holmes" They are fast here. Oh.. that could be a problem "Corporal Lyons. Security" He introduces himself, glancing at John. Obviously wondering why John was here. I don't like that, him frowning at my John.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" He asks, looking back to me. He's genuinely worried, well more worried about his scary boss telling him off.

"Well, I hope not, Corporal. I hope not" I frown.

I make a good Mycroft.

"Just.. we don't get inspected here, you see, sir. It just doesn't happen" Lyons says, tone too casual. He's definitely new to this. I love it when they prove me right without knowing.

"Never heard of a spot check?" John asks, getting out his wallet. "Captain John Watson. Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers" John salutes as he shows his ID.

I like that. John pulling rank.. is strangely appealing. Oh, the things that flash through my mind.

"Sir!" Lyons salutes "Major Barrymore won't be pleased, sir. He'll want to see you both"

"I'm afraid we won't have time for that. We'll need the full tour. Right away. Carry on" Lyons doesn't more at first. "That's an order Corporal" John looks to his side, irritated.

"Yes, sir"

I really like take charge John.

We're escorted forward to a door where I scan Mycrofts ID in. Access is granted. I check my watch as the door opens.

We'll need to be quick.

Lyons walks ahead of us as we enter a bright white hall.

"Nice touch" I tell John

"Haven't pulled rank in ages"

"Enjoy it?" I ask. I know I bloody well did.

"Oh, yeah"

I swipe my card to grant access to a lift. As we enter I take note of how many floors the lift goes down. I wonder whats down there. I hate not knowing.

All the way through the lab John continuously got called sir. Well, five times. I definitely like that.

I ignore it and focus on looking around. We're on a case. I can't allow my little crush to distract me.

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