Part One

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"Eh, sorry we couldn't do a double room for you boys" The barman hands me a key for our room.

"That's fine. We're not.." I stop myself, there's no point. People always assume "There you go" I say, giving him the money for my drink.

Sherlock, as always, is looking around and deducing the environment. He's not always so obvious about his searching, maybe he just gets like this in new places.

At least he doesn't sleep on a case. It won't be awkward in the room that has one bed if he doesn't sleep.

"Oh ta, I'll just get your change" He smiles. He was a kind man, bit chatty, but after living with Sherlock everyone seems chatty.


As he goes to the register I spot a bunch of receipts. Glancing at the barman I take a closer look at them.

Meat supplies. Odd. A vegetarian restaurant doesn't need meat.

Before anyone sees I pocket the receipt, smiling as the dark haired man returns.

"Well, there you go" He hands me my change.

"I couldn't help noticing, on the map of the moor, a skull and crossbones?" While Sherlock wonders around I might as well make myself useful to the case. Sherlock would get more done if he just asked sometimes.

"Oh, that" His eyebrows raise a little before he moves down the bar to start pouring a drink.

"Pirates?" I ask, unable to not remember the time Mycroft told me Sherlock wanted to be a pirate.

I could seriously imagine the man running around, all dressed up in a pirates costume-- including hat and eye patch-- and waving a fake sword around pretending to be a pirate.

"Eh, no" The man snakes his head, moving back towards me. He settles my drink down. "The Great Gimpen Minefield, they call it"

"Oh, right"

"That's not what you think. It's the Baskerville testing site. It's been going on 80 odd years. I'm not sure anyone really knows what's there anymore" He made a face as if to say 'and no one wants to'

"Mm. Explosives?" I question. After all, this could be vital information.

"Oh, not just explosives. Break into that place and if you're lucky ye just get blown up, so they say. In case you're planning a nice wee stroll"

"Ta, I'll remember"

"Aye. No, it buggers up tourism a bit so.. thank god for the demon hound." He comes out from behind the bar, collecting glasses. "Did you see that show? The documentary"

"Quite recently, yeah" Until Sherlock turned it off to show off, I added mentally.

"God bless Henry Knight and his monster from hell" He's standing beside me now.

"You ever seen it? The hound?"

"Me? No, no" He points out the open door. I follow his line of sight, spotting the man who was talking to tourists easier. Sherlock's beside the doorway and he turns to look too. "Eh, Fletcher has" The barman continues "He runs the walks, the monster walks, for the tourists, you know? He's seen it"

"That's handy" I say, knowing it could be extremely helpful to the case. "For trade" I add, to seem more natural.

A short man, shorter then me, in a chefs uniform walks past behind the bar and the barman turns to him "I'm just saying we've been rushed off our feet, Billy" He sounds a little like he was reassuring the chef. Are they together? I can see the chef, Billy, being gay, no offence to him, but I'd have to think twice about the barman.

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