Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Neal and I spent the last day of our summer together packing up the little hunter's cabin that had been our bunkhouse and private space throughout. Two boys living there for just a little over 12 weeks, had taken their toll on the tiny cabin, but by virtue of its size, it was fairly easy to spruce up.

Neal's anxiety disappeared when he figured out my Dad wasn't going to rat him out to his father. Returning to his normal, ebullient self, he and I were able to enjoy our remaining time together before he left for Hartford and I went back to school. Of course, there would be Christmas, everybody seemed to agree on that, and spring break to follow that, but those seemed like an eternity away. Neal, for his part, seemed almost cheerful, or at least optimistic, making us promise one another to write regularly and send pictures.

First, we lugged his bed clothes and pillows back to his parent's cabin, where they were packing up as well. He would spend the night with them, leaving after a celebratory breakfast in the morning. Once done, the only thing remaining was to drag all of my stuff back up the drive to my house and into my room. As I stuffed clothes back into my dresser and tossed the linens into the laundry chute, I joined Neal as he looked out of one of my windows, the one facing the tree house in the back woods.

"Let's go to the tree house," Neal said, quietly. I nodded, it seemed like the next thing that needed to be done. Without further words, we walked outside and up the short path. At the base of the tree, I pulled down the counterweighted ladder I had devised, and we both scampered up and into the tree house. Strangely, the space felt a little bit smaller to me than it used to. Neal, characteristically went directly to the small stack of girlie mags stashed under a piece of slate in the corner, and pulled one of his favorites. I sat next to him on one of the old sofa cushions and looked over his shoulder as he slowly perused the glossy pages.

I didn't even speak to him, I didn't need to. Leaning against his shoulder, I pressed the palm of my hand against his belly, under his t-shirt and gently rubbed him there. Each turn of the page brought a greater swelling in his shorts. Tracing the bulging outline of him with the tips of my fingers, I felt him pulse and throb beneath the taut fabric. I took my time with him, not wanting to rush headlong into anything and have it be over too quickly.

I quietly stood, leaned him forward and then sat down behind him. Neal leaned forward and then settled between my legs, laying back against my chest. I nuzzled the inky black hair behind his ear, inhaling the slightly sweaty scent that lingered there. He took discarded the magazine for another, and started leafing through the well-worn pages. He paused to hum quietly when as I slowly massage his neck and shoulders. Rolling his neck, I heard several vertebrae snap as he relaxed under my ministrations. As he continued to gaze at the graphically displayed couples in the photographs, my hands started roaming around his chest and belly.

Neal squirmed and gave a little snorting laugh as I nibbled an earlobe, my hands dipped down to cup and stroke his hard bulge. I kissed and tongued the base of his neck, raising goose flesh and the little hairs back there; a little sighing moan escaped his lips. My heart burned with a mix of longing and melancholy, know this was likely to be our last opportunity to be intimate for a long while. I wanted to make it last, to be purposefully slow. Neal understood this too, contenting himself to linger under my tender touches.

Running my fingers through his soft hair, I breathed into his ear. Neal abandoned his magazine, pulling my arms around him and laying his head back on my shoulder. We sat there like this for a long while, our cheeks pressed together. He turned his head to press our lips together, bringing his hands up to hold my face. Our tongues fenced and our breathing became deep, sighing as our passions ignited.

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