Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The orgy of feasting and gift giving that was Christmas night at the lodge, gave way to quiet as we herded the younger kids off to bed. To be truthful, my eyes felt sandy with fatigue; even though I wanted to stay up and re-read the manual for my new telescope once more, I knew sleep would come soon. Most of the boys, were already in their pajamas, back from the bathroom, in their bunks and drifting off to sleep. I decided on wearing a long night-shirt, this becoming my preferred sleepwear since I could wear nothing else and still maintain modesty. Neal remained in the bathroom where I left him wrestling, as he put it, with the great brown python. I swear he made me smile just thinking about him.

"Hey Bennett," said Eddie from the other side of the room, "can you come here for a second?"

"Sure," I said, wandering over to his bunk, yawning and scratching my butt, "what's up?"

"Uhm..." he faltered, "I just wanted say sorry for not taking that kid to the bathroom. I was sorta having a problem myself."

"Oh?" I said, feigning complete ignorance.

"Yeah," he said in a not-so-subtle stage-whisper, "I uh... I had a hard on."

"Oh, I see," I said sagely, "that happens, I guess."

"You ever get one?"

"Yeah, sure," I shrugged, "all the time."

"I couldn't help it," he said, "I was lookin' at Lizzie's boobs and the next thing I know..." I snorted quietly and nodded my understanding.

"You remember how to take care of that, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah," he waved at me dismissively, "did that a couple of minutes ago."

"Here?" I asked, "in front of the other kids?"

"Naw," he grinned "while everybody was in the shower." Eddie shook his fist in the well-known, universal signal. "Didn't take very long." Again, I snickered; Eddie did too, blushing furiously.

"Okay, I hope you didn't make a mess."

"I don't mess yet, but someday soon I think," he said seriously. I stood there looking at him; it felt like he had something else to say. "Hey Bennett," he started up again, "I wonder what it feels like."


"You know," he said, "to have sex."


"You know, to put your thing in, what it's like." My butt involuntarily clenched as I remembered the delicious sensation of Neal slowly entering me, and the monumental climax to which we both ascended. Eddie brought me back to reality by asking, "Bennett, have you ever had sex with anybody?" I looked at him blankly, feeling the color rise in my face. He gasped almost girlishly and covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh my God!" he exclaimed, a little too loudly for my comfort.

"Shush Eddie," I snapped, "geez-Louise!" I looked around, panicked he might have awakened some of the boys.

"You HAVE," Eddie said, lowering his voice back to a husky whisper, "holy cow..." I stood there, fear roiling in my belly, sure he'd figured Neal and me out.

"Eddie, I uh...," I faltered, "listen, it's not what..."

"Was it her?" he interrupted, "was it Lizzie-B? Oh my God, you did it with Lizzie!" He looked insanely jealous for a moment, but I was glad he had not discerned my secret. "Oh man, I can't wait to find out what it feels like." I allowed myself a small chuckle in my relief.

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