Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As part of the adventure that was Christmas in the Pines, most of the kids that attended with their families, chose to sleep one of the bunk rooms designated for boys or girls. The boy's bunk room was located on the second tier of the lodge, to the left of the chimney and fireplace that dominated the great room. The room accommodated about 40 or so boys at full capacity, but that year we had probably about 25 or so, leaving most of the upper bunks unoccupied. Even though I preferred my bed to a bunk, it has always been my tradition to sleep in the bunk room with the other boys.

Neal's family had one of those rooms that was large enough for all of them, but he chose to bunk with me and the boys, picking a bed near mine. Some of the younger boys were already asleep, having retired earlier. I pulled out a foot-locker I'd stashed beneath my bed earlier in the week, and tossed my flannel pajamas onto the bed before stowing it back underneath. I pulled my shirt off and felt my skin tighten in the cooler air. I glanced over to see that Neal, in the darkness of the room, was already down to his briefs. He flashed me a 1000 watt smile as he dropped them to the floor, and gave his pearly white butt a shake before stepping into his pajama bottoms and hiking them up around his swimmer's waist. I followed suit and quickly shucked my boxers. Before pulling up my flannels, I gave my dick a quick swing, flopping it left and right a couple of times, so Neal could see. He snorted quietly as he fished a toothbrush and toothpaste from his kit bag.

I tossed a towel over my shoulder and we both struck out for the bathroom. Even though tired from the day's events, I enjoyed Neal's company too much to be truly ready for bed. Since everybody was turning in, it seemed like the logical thing to do, and I felt confident the next few days would be just as much fun. We stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the mirror, washing our faces and brushing our teeth. Neal worked up a prodigious amount of foam in his mouth and made like a mad dog.

"Rawrf!" he foamed at me, snapping and snarling, "I'm Old Yeller!"

"Don't say that!" I gasped in protest, "that movie totally made me bawl like a baby."

"Wuss," Neal declared, "first time that dog growled at me, I'd have plugged him then and there." Not a great fan of dogs, Neal affirmed his allegiance to cats early in our relationship.

"I'll show you 'wuss', you big dummy," I said, flicking a dot of toothpaste into his black hair.

"Ha!" he laughed, dropping his stuff in the sink and tackling me at the waist "now you pay!" I howled with mock pain but there was too much laughter involved to be realistic. We fell to the floor and wrestled around some. His lithe, compact body made it difficult for me to get a real handhold on him, whereas my spindly limbs made it easy for him to grab onto me and flip me over onto my back. He sat astride my pelvis and pinned my arms by my wrists to the floor. "Uncle?" he asked, panting from the exertion. I struggled with him briefly, but he had me completely disadvantaged with no choice but to capitulate.

"Uncle," I shrugged, "for now."

"Yeah," he breathed hard, "anytime, pussy boy."

It wasn't the first time I heard him breathe like that. Even though he had gotten the drop on me and pinned me down, I was barely winded by the effort. Neal however, had a definite wheeze going on.

"You alright?" I asked, as he let me up.

"Yeah yeah," he said impatiently, "just my asthma acting up, no big deal." He went back over to the sink, leaned on it and seemed to catch his breath in pretty quick order. "Oh man," he said, inspecting the smear of toothpaste in his hair, "I can't go to bed like this, now I gotta wash my hair."

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