Doesn't Matter; Still Love You

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Mark x Trans!Reader

(Y/M/N) = Your Male Name

A/N: I don't know where Bob lives, so just pretend he lives near Mark if he doesn't.


You put on your new chest binder, trying to get it in a comfortable position. It's your first time wearing one. Most of your life you looked like your birth gender. A girl. You also went by female pronouns, but it always you. You wore the girly clothes your parents bought you, but felt most comfortable in your brother's and boyfriend's clothes. You always liked your hair in male styles. You don't know why it didn't click before. You're a male. Mentally-wise. You realized this last week, but were nervous about it. Your boyfriend, Mark, thought you were a girl. You're scared of what he'll think. But you decided that today you'll tell him.

You throw on your new clothes. Long-sleeved (F/C) and grey sweatshirt with a breast-pocket, dark men's jeans (so much roomier than the ones you wore before), and some cool alien socks that were on sale. You also got a new haircut last night. Mark hasn't seen it yet since he stayed the night at Bob's because he fell asleep right after their Let's Play.

You take a deep breath and head downstairs where Mark is playing a game. When he came home earlier, you told him from behind the wall next to the stairs that you'd be down in a few minutes.

You walk into the living room and look at Mark. "Hey, Mark." He pauses the game and gets up, turning with a smile. His face immediately becomes confusion. "(Y/N)...?" You bite your lip and look down at your alien socks. "Actually...Can you call me (Y/M/N) from now on...?" He looks even more confused. "Uhm, sure... Why though...?" You look him dead in the eyes. "Because I'm actually a boy." You know he didn't take that the wrong way. He's seen your body before. So he perfectly knows well what you mean.

His face gains a look of realization. "Oh~ I understand now." He grins and hugs you. "Okay, (Y/M/N)." It's your turn to be confused. "You're not freaked out? Or upset?" He shakes his head. "Why would I be upset at my boyfriend?" You light up at the correct use of pronouns. He really does understand, and accept it.

He holds you closely, noses touching each other. "It doesn't matter if you're a girl or a boy. I still love you for you. And it doesn't mean your personality will change. Maybe a few habits; but you're still the same person." He kisses you softly and smiles. "I'll always love you, (Y/M/N)."

You couldn't be happier. You give him a chaste kiss, then ask him what he's playing. "Oh, I'm playing Minecraft with Wade, Bob, Sean, and Felix. Wait a minute." He goes to the headset and asks everyone to get on Skype. He sits you down next to him. Everyone pops up on their own little screen. Mark grins. "Guys, say hi to my beautiful boyfriend. He was a bit shy at first to tell me about this, but I still love him the same. Whether as (Y/N) or (Y/M/N)."

Everyone gasps, then grins. Sean starts bouncing in his seat. "Hey, (Y/M/N)! Why didn't you tell everyone sooner? I would've used the proper pronouns if I had known!" You smile. "Sorry, guys. I only realized it last week, and I was scared of what people would think." Wade goes 'Pssshhh'. "Do you really think any of us would care? So you're a dude instead of a chic. Why would that change our minds about you? You're still the caring and funny person we know." Bob speaks up. "Yeah. And we know other people like you too. In fact, my neighbors' daughter was actually born a boy, and I call her by female pronouns like she wants." Felix smiles. "(Y/M/N), we're still going to like you and be your friends. Your gender doesn't matter when it comes to that."

You can't stop smiling. "Thanks guys. I guess I let other people's stories get to me." You turn to find Mark looking at you with absolute love and adoration in his eyes. You blush. "What?" He cuddles you and kisses your forehead. "You're so cute and handsome. I love you more than outer-space." You blush even harder, especially when you hear the guys simultaneously say 'AWWWWWWWW~'.

Mark hangs up on Skype, going back to cuddling and kissing you. You blush and giggle. "Stop~" He grins from ear to ear. "I don't want to stop. My adorable boyfriend deserves to be cuddled and kissed all day, especially for being brave and coming out when you were scared." You hide your face in his neck. "Fine...But if you tickle me your dead." Mark laughs. "I got it."

Everything was okay. Way better than okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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