Sleepy 21 Questions Part 2: Preggers

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I look at Mark with wide eyes. "Shit. We weren't careful enough." Mark smiles and shrugs. "Yeah. But now we're having a baby~!" Tyler looks at you closely. "We should've guessed it sooner. You have been getting bigger..." You smack the back of his head. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to not tell a girl she looks big, fat, or wide?!" He holds his head and apologizes. You turn to Ethan, waiting for him to say something stupid. He just shakes his head with his eyes practically popping out of it.

Mark giggles. He then blinks. "Wait. Baby. Meaning I'm going to be a daddy. And you're going to be a mommy. Meaning we're going to be in charge of a small human. Shit, how do you take care of tiny young humans?" You giggle. "Instinct, books, and the internet. The three answers to every problem." He nods. "We also need baby stuff. I'm gonna go google what babies and pregnant ladies need." He gets up and go gets his laptop.

You raise an eyebrow. "Doofus could've just used his phone."


(5 months along) [The story started with you at 2 1/2 months along]

You were definitely bigger. A lot bigger. But overall your pregnancy has been pretty decent. Nice, even. It's the total opposite of what most women go through, which is what scares Mark. He's just waiting for you to snap and kill something. He's been a sweetie, helping you with everything. He even tries to cook all of the meals, but a few times he's woken up to you making your favorite pancakes.

You look adorable in your maternity clothes, food tastes even better now, the only strange cravings you've had is for a ton of fruit and spinach, your views on YouTube have gone way up, friends and subscribers compliment you all the time and give actual good advice, and Chica is actually really happy about a new addition to the family.

Mark still thinks something is off, but he goes along with it. He doesn't want to dampen your chipper mood.


(8 months)

You're huge now, but still happy. You and Mark went to the doctor earlier this week and found out you're actually having twin boys. This kinda freaked Mark out with how small your frame is, but the doctor assured you'd be fine. There have been women your size that have had quintuplets and survived just fine.  

A baby shower was held, friends and family giving a lot of necessities that would've actually been really expensive to get on your own. And subscribers from both you and Mark's channels have sent presents for the baby. Blankets, pillows, cuddly toys, books, blocks, and even a Tiny Box Tim mobile.

Everything was going smoothly for such an unexpected pregnancy.


(9 months)

You and Mark had recently eloped. You figured if you guys were having and raising a baby together, it was time to get married. You didn't have a big fancy wedding, just went to the courthouse to sign some papers, then had a small party with friends and family.

You two also picked out the twins' godparents. Sean and Signe, of course. But if they were for some reason unable to take care of them, then Bob and his wife would take care of the twins. Double back-up plan.

You were eating (favorite fruit) when you felt immense pain in your back. Wetness found itself on your legs and the floor. You knew it was happening. "MARK!!!! BABIES ALERT!!!" He runs down the stairs, grabs the keys, then helps you out to the van.

Oh my, birth...


(Twins: 1 year birthday)

Little Jack and Ethy were waddling around with their little bowties, saying hi to everyone. It's their 1st birthday. Despite Mark's worries, everything was fine. You never snapped, no pregnancy or birth complications, no defects, no post partum depression. It was almost unrealistic, but everyone was happy.

A lot of people actually didn't know the twins' names until recently. Because apparently they don't read your texts or watch your videos. And Mark wanted to wait to tell people to surprise them.

When Sean and Ethan heard, they looked both shocked and joyous. Ethan was a very nice uncle, playing patty-cake and reading books with Ethy. Sean, on the other hand...he was good and funny, but not exactly a good role model. You often caught him trying to teach Jack how to play poker and...oh, wait. No. You got that mixed up. Sean is actually adorable with Jack. He teaches him cute games, and gives him piggy back rides. It was Mark that tried to teach him was a joke, but you know that a baby wouldn't know that.

Chica often played with the kids, being really gentle and patient. She was a very smart dog. She understood that they were just babies, and that she needed to be careful around them. She also understood to not lick their faces or hands. She just licked the top or back of their heads.

You feel Mark wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your cheek. "Ready to give sugar to two crazed children that we can barely tell apart?" You giggle and nod. "They're not crazy, though. They're actually very calm and sweet. But when they have sugar...they basically turn into you when you play games." He chuckles and kisses you softly. "I love you." You smile. "I love you too."

Each of you take a twin and help them blow out the candles, and feed them some cake. You smile at Mark. You're so happy about your little family.

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