Till we meet again

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I know it hurts letting go
But It also hurts holding on
But I cant find the peace inside to let you go
How can u let someone go that meant the world to you

How do you let the person go that made you see what true love really is
The person you could share everything with
The person you could feel safe with while youre laying in their arms
The person that has youre heart
The person you cant stop thinking about nor stop loving.

All those little things you will always remember
The butterflies you felt on the first date
The moment you realised they are youre future
The walks along the beach
The nights that turned into mornings and the love thats unending.

I know I will find the strength to move on
But I wish it could be with you
I know you're no longer here
But one-day I will see you again

There is a time I can see you one more time
The time I go to sleep and dream of you
For that moment I wont trade anything in the world
Just to see you're beautiful smile and laughter one more time
Just to kiss you one more time and hold u safely in my arms.

I never had the chance to say goodbye.
I wish I had just one goodbye to see u before I have to say goodbye to forever..

I will always return to that special place
The place where its just you and me and no one else matters. You will always be my best friend my lover and my future. It sucks I will have to live without you
No one will ever replace you my love. Till we meet again

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