This constant

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It hurts when I take a deep breath
This constant pain crushing my ribs
I can feel the true meaning of heartache

It hurts when I think of you
This constant pain crushing my brain
I can feel the true meaning of memories

It hurts when I dont talk to you
This constant reminder that its over
I can feel the true meaning of sadness

It hurts when I  do talk to you
This constant thoughts of you
I can feel the true meaning of longing

It hurts when I go to bed at night
This constant aroma of you
I can feel the true meaning of lonelyness

It hurts when I wake up in the morning
This constant memories of you
I can feel the true meaning of pain

It hurts when I dream of you
This constant reminder that its just a dream
I can feel the true meaning of reality

It hurts when others talk about you
This constant reminder of you
I can feel the true meaning of love

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