The Devil's Crush//7

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Karma POV (edited) I was left. With Okuda chasing me. Here I thought we were friends.

Okuda has been chasing me to eat her food. And currently I hiding away from her. Where? In the trash can. No.  I'm just in the boys bathroom.

"Karma-kun~" Okuda purred. What is up with her? She's not her usual self. She isn't the shy and clumsy Okuda. What's with her?
Time skip (After that...)
(y/n) POV
"Hey have you guys noticed Okuda-chan acting weird?" I asked. I honestly think okuda is not Okuda. She isn't shy nor clumsy Okuda. She's more flirty now.

"Yeah. She's been acting strange after Karma-kun hugged you." Nagisa smirked. "Do you think she's jealous?" Kayano asked. Honestly no. "No? Why?" I asked confused in why would she be jealous. "Okuda-chan would not really be the jealous type." I nodded. "But think about it. She's been acting like this after Karma hugged you. She's been so flirty and clingy towards him and she acts as if we are ghosts. But if we talk or do whatever to Karma she would either glare at us or scowl." Nagisa explained.

I haven't been noticing these "actions" of hers. I sometime even don't notice her because of how quite she is.

I sweat dropped. "Y-yeah..."

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed" Nagisa facepalmed. Kayano chuckled. "Ha. Ha...." I nervously chuckled.
Time skip (after class)
(Y/n) POV

"Ok students! That's all for today! Have a nice day and good night! Nyufufufu~" Koro-sensei said. Ending the lesson.

I got up from my desk and began to pack my thing's. I eventually finished packing and headed towards Nagisa,Karma,Okuda and Kayano. Grabbing my gone. "Hey guys! Ready to go?" I asked. "Ya!" They all said. But okuda.

We started chatting while walking.

"Neh neh~ Karma-kun~ how was being chased by Okuda like~" I teased.
Saying that for some reason made my chest hurt. Like a knife got stabbed into my heart. "Nothing happened. I just hid from her." Karma replied. "Ohh~ is (n/n)-chi jelly~?" Karma teased back. "N-no!" Y-yes! Wait!.....

I finished. I has finished it~ even though I said I would take a week off but uh yeah. Stubborn old me. Oh well! I hope u had enjoyed it!!

Karma: shi-chi they dont.

Shiro: -sob- meanie!

Nagisa: -pats shiros head- there there. I do think they enjoy it. ^^


(Y/n): Shi-chi shut up let's end it already. These after chats are to long. (´-﹏-';)

Shiro: s-sorry. Well anyways guys! Have a nice day!



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