The Devils Crush//5

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Author POV (edited)

Its had months since the day (y/n) join the assassination classroom. Class 3-E. Its was nearly winter. Meaning that the weather would occasionally turn really cold. (Where I live is like that. But if you live somewhere hot. Like no winter. Your lucky xD ..)

(Y/n) started realising her feelings towards Karma. She still denies it though. But, little to her imagination did she know Karma loved her too.

Karmkuda was still a ship to her. She would deny her feelings. Knowing Karmakuda was a better couple.
(Y/n) POV
"Chu" I sneezed. I was outside walking to school with, Nagisa,Karma and Okuda. Its was freezing. "(Y/n)-chan are you cold?" Ask Nagisa. His eyes showed worry. "No. I'm fine! Thanks for worrying about me though." I giggled. "You sure? Its like freezing out here. Right Karma-kun?" Okuda said, rubbing the side of her arms. A attempt to warm herself. "Sure is" Karma said.

I took out a extra scarf from my bookbag and rapped it around Okuda and Karmas necks. Forcing them to walk shoulder to shoulder. I chuckled. "Where did you get that?" Asked Nagisa. "I always have a extra scarf just for emergency. And since those two didn't have one, I gave it to them." I grinned, explaining why I had another scarf in my bookbag. "Thanks (y/n)-chan! Its really warm!" Okuda said. She tugged the scarf up closer to her face. "Its is also smells like you...." Karma mumbled. I was only able to hear the first part so I didn't hear the last one. "Hm?" I hummed. "Nothing." Karma said

"Hey Nagisa. Can you check the time?" I asked. "Sure thing!" Nagisa said pulling out his phone and opening it, checking the time. "OH NO! WE'RE LATE!!" Nagisa yelled running. "Awauuuu!!! Nuuu!!!! Lets go guys!!" I yelled, pulling Karma and Okuda with me.

We ran and ran. Literally trying to go as fast as Mac 20. We eventually made it to our classroom, panting and trying to catch our breath. "Ahh finally!" I said stretching. I looked over to KarmKuda. They still had the scarf on them...somehow. "You guys magicians?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "Hm?" They both, Karma and Okuda, humed in response. "You guys magicians?" I asked again. My head still tilted slightly. This time I pointed to the scarf. "No... Why?" Okuda asked. Sweatdropping in the process. "Okuda held onto the scarf when you dragged us." Karma explained, removing his side of the scarf and rapping it around Okuda.

Okuda saw what Karma did she blushed. Probably because it smells like him. "Aww~" i teased. "Urasai!" Okuda pouted. "Fine,fine. Anyways you can keep the scarf. It probably has Karmas scent. I obviously don't want it, so you can have it." I said, secretly wanting the sca- URASAI BAKA (Y/N)! Uwahhhg! Anyways! Okuda blushed! "Awww~ does (y/n)-chan not like my smell~?" Karma teased. He pouted. Like a child. A bratty one. "Absolutely not!" I yelled. Crossing my arms into a "X" sign. "So you have sniffed my before~?" Karma teased. "Wh-whuat!? Nu! I did not!" I yelled. Puffing my cheeks angrily.

Karma then, with out me knowing, hugged me. I was a blushing mess. But I couldn't help notice his scent. "You smell like Chocolate and strawberrys" I mumbled. "Do I now~?" Karma cooed. Hearing that, I shot my head up. I was still a blushing mess, but I was able to studder a few words. "N-no! You s-s-s-s-smell like.... .... POO!" Everyone was silent. Until Karma broken the silence. "Wow, how childish. Never knew (n/n)-chan could be so cute~" Karma teased making my face redder....if possible. "(N/n)-child is cute for sure~ but I would say kawaii~" Nakamura said coming up and taking pictures of me and Karma. Yes picture. Cuz KARMA IS STILL HOLDING ME!

"Nurufufufu~ (y/s/n) is a go~!" Koro-sensei said coming from the shadows.


Herro! Shi-chwan here! I have finish le chapter! Sorry for putting you on a cliffhanger. But man! Cliffhangers are the best!! Yeah..naw not rlly. ;-; anyways! This so far is the longest chapter I've written. And I said SO FAR! NOT THE WHOLE BOOKU!

Nagisa: Shi-chan calm down...




(Y/n): wrote the story....

Shiro: oh....('ω;`)ウッ...

Nagisa: let's go..

-Nagi grabs karma and Push's him to (y/n)-

Shiro: YES! Yes -hugs nagisa and runs-


...ok that was weird. Anyways bai bai!!

Shi out!

Ps: (y/s/n) means your ships name.

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