The Devil's Crush//6

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(Y/n) POV (edited)

"...." The whole class was quite. Very quiet. Well until i broke the ice. "Koro-sensei..... WhAt ARe YoU DoING HErE?" I asked, creepy aura surrounding me. "Nyuuyaa!!" Koro-sensei yelled. He ran..or uh fly away using his Mac 20 speed. "So. Karma. Can you let me go?" I asked. Turning to him, my face turned red. "Naw, tomato-chan is warm" he said resting his head on me. I looked over to Nagisa with a pleading look saying, "help".

He tried prying Karmas hands off me.
Okuda POV
....(y/n)? ..I thought I could trust you. But no. Your taking Karma away. Karmas mine. You little bitch. Stay away from him. KARma IS mINE! He WIlL be MInE!!!.....

Huff. I need to keep calm.
Time skip (hugs √ yanderekuda √...wait what)
(Y/n) POV
Its was lunch. Yes lunch. My favourite time in school.

I went and walked over to Nagisa's desk. There sat Nagisa,Karma,Okuda and, Kayano. "Heya guyzzzz!" I said taking a seat next to Karma and Nagisa. "Hey (n/n)-chan" Kayano said walking up to me and giving me a hug. "Heya" Nagisa said. "Yo" Karma smirked. "..." Okuda uh. I don't know.

"SooooOoOOO, what do you guys have for lunch?" I asked. I took my bento out. "I got rice balls." Nagisa said. "Cool" I said, smiling. "I got.....pudding.." Kayano said. Or uh whispered. "Kayano-chan that's not healthy." I frowned. "But they're tastyyyyy!" Kayano whined while flaming her spoon around. "Ok,ok. But I care for you. I don't want you to be unhealthy. Here have some of mine." I said feeding her with my chopsticks. Even if I did feed her I still had some for myself. And yes I'm feeding with my chopsticks. But I don't care.

"So, how does it taste?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Its really good! Did you make this?" Kayano said. Bits of food was falling out of her mouth. "Haha, I glad its good. I did make it. Also Kayano please shut your mouth when eating." I said giggling. Kayano giggled as well. But after chewing. "Karma-kun! Eat it!" I heard okuda say when me and Kayano calm down. We all turned our heads towards Karma. Then to Okuda trying to feed Karma her food. "Ehhhhh..." Me,Kayano and, Nagisa said. "Karma-kun~ eat this~" Okuda cooed. "No thanks~" Karma said facing away the food in front of him. I turned to the two confused people beside me. "Hey, let's go. This is awkward." I whispered to them, getting ready to leave. "K" they whispered back.

We stood up and left without a sound. The two "lovebirds" not knowing.

Herro herro! Its the Shiro Shiro!
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ I have finished chapter 6! Yay! Whoop whoop! Anyways..Okudas a BISH. Yes. A BISH. BISH. BISH.



Shiro: -sigh- (y/n). You need to do something

(Y/n): what? Why me?

Shiro: becuz he is ur husbando.

(Y/n): -blush- f-fine!!

Shiro: well ill take care of okuda so you go to ur baby.

(Y/n)&Karma: -blush-

Shiro: -takes Okuda and throws her into the trash can- ok. Well I'm done for the day.

Shiro: - walkes over to bed and flops down on it- well good night I'm tired and sick.

Nagisa: -pats- good night

Shiro: zzzz......okuda is a bish.....zzzzzz.zzzzzzzz....(y/n)xkarma for the win.......zzzzzzzzz

Well then. Im sleepy and sick. Its the truth xD. I caught a fever and can't sleep. So im taking a week off. Or I'll be stupid and keep writing.

Anyways. Seeya!

Night ~

Shiro is sleeping....don't bother us....zzzzzz

PS: god I feel like I'm crazy over Nagi....;-; 

edit PS: I started reading my after chats again, and yes I gotta say, its cringy. The time I wrote these I really liked nagisa, I may even seem like a obsessed otaku. I'm seriously not, I just wanted to do something like that so I just picked nagisa. So now I'm starting to remove the weird kinky parts of me and nagisa. Honestly its cringe. Sorry.

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