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    this is unedited so I'm sorry for any mistakes!

       Kians POV

Me and Andrea have been dating for 2 weeks now,and tonight I was gonna take her out and ask her to be my girlfriend.I really wanted us to be "official"to all of our fans too.It was 4:45 and I sent Andrea a text


Hey Baby!Be ready at 6.I'm gonna pick you up dress nice.



This is good.I can finally ask her.I watched 1 episode of Glee to pass time.Its now 5:15 so I started getting ready.I showered, put on a nice O2l shirt,Black pants,and some newer looking vans.By the time I was done it was 5:55.I grabbed my keys and put on my snap back as I headed out the door.

        Andreas POV

Kian was taking me out to dinner at 6 and it was 5,so I started getting ready.First I took a nice long shower,then I dried my hair,I straightened it and then curled the ends.Next I put on a high wasted blue floral skirt,and a black tee,tucking it in.I grabbed my matching black vans and slipped them on.And last,I applied light foundation,winged eyeliner,mascara and some light pink lip stick.It was now 6:00 and I heard the doorbell ring.I ran downstairs giving my mom a kiss"Love you mom" "Love you too!Be back by 12 ok?I know it's Friday but no funny business."she laughed and I blushed.I opened the door to a handsome Kian and he took my hand.He blindfolded me and was about 15 minutes away.We stopped and he got out of the car and opened the door and helped me.down then took my blindfold off.We were standing in front of a beautiful lake with flowers everywhere.Kian played a blanket down and set up a cute little picnic.When we were done eating I said"Kian this is litterly  the best day of my life!I love it so much,but more importantly,I love you."He blushed,and then he leaned for a kiss.I felt sparks like it was our first kiss again.Kian then said"I love you too Andrea,so I was wondering,would you like to be my girlfriend,and make it official to our fans.?"I smiled and blushed a little."Of course.Yes yes yes yes!"I squealed.We played down and I rest my head on his chest and snuggled with him for like 45 minutes.It was amazing.I love him so much.Me and Kian finally got up and headed back to the car he took me back to his house,and we ran up to his room.We snuggled and watched netflix together for about an hour.It was 11:45.And I said"Aw,sorry Kian but I have to go home.I'm supposed to be back at 12."I sighed and we both frowned.Kian looked at me and said"It's ok babe.Lemme take you home."I smiled and we walked downstairs.I said bye to his dad and little sister Rachel.When we got to my house he walked me up to my porch and said"I had an amazing night with you Andrea"He leaned in and we started kissing.It sorta turned Into like a full 5 minute make out session when Becky walked out."Oh shiz get a room lovebirds"Me and Kian just laughed.We hugged and I walked inside.I went upstairs and put my pajamas on and grabbed I had a text

   from kra kra Keke

hey gurrrrrlll can yah come over tomorrow I'm having a party and wanted you to come.It will be you,the o2l guys,me,and this new kid Evan we met today anyways hope you can starts at 6

To kra kra Keke

yea girl.I'll be there:)

          Kekes POV

The Party is about to start it's 5:50 the next day and I'm ready and I put on a cute purple.dress witg some short heels.Sam is gonna be here I'm excited to see.home.Its 6 and I hear the doorbell I go to the door to see Evan and 4 other girls.

Evan:Hey Keerat.hope you don't mind I brought my friends.This is Rachel (he points to the tall blonde with pretty blue eyes)this is jordan(he points to another blonde with brown eyes and she is average height)this is carlee (he points to a girl with green eyes and also blonde hair and she's the shortest)and last but not least,my girlfriend Lucy(he grabs the hand of a girl slightly shorter than him with brown hair and green eyes)

me:"oh!hi everyone!"I say shaking their hands."it's nice to meet you"

then the owl guys walk in.

Kian hand in hand with Andrea. (obviously)

Ricky who smiles at carlee and walks up and kisses her cheek(I didn't know Ricky had a girlfriend

then Connor who walked up to Jordan kissing her(ok!clearly everyone has a girlfriend

next trevor who walks in holding hands with a tan girls with really curly hair.she looked nice

Jc who looked at me and winked.Me and JC have sorta always liked each other but I'm takin

And sam-but what?He is eyeing Rachel and they wave like they know each other.

  weird but I put on a fake smile."Well now that everyone is here,LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED"I scream putting on loud music.trevor walked up to me"hey Keke,this is my girlfriend Nadya"he says."nice to meet you Nadya" I say smiling.

     2 hours later

I keep looking around trying to find sam,But I can't!I go upstairs walk into the first room to see Kian and Andrea making out. "ugh god"I say

in the next room:Ricky and carlee doing the nasty.(I litterly just closed my eyes and walked out quickly while I was gagging)

the last room.I wish I had never walked in."SAM!!WHAT THE CRAP!I THOUGHT I COULD.TRUST YOU!!"I scream because I walked in on sam and Rachel kissing.I cried so hard and just ran to my room and locked the door.Seconds after tat Sam knocked



I yelled through gritted teeth.I heard another knock

"GO AWAY SAM"I yell.

"whoa,fiesty"I hear a familiar voice say.

me:"jc?come in I'm so sorry I just broke up with sam and I can't believe what he did to me and especially in my own house knowing I was here and-"I was cut off by jcs lips crashing into mine.

I felt more sparks than I ever did with sam.I can't believe I was so stupid to date sam.Jc is always.there.for me and is such a good friend.He is the one I should be with.Just as we pulled away from the kiss,JC said"hey,I was wondering you wanna be my girlfriend?"I smiled.Of course.

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