Drunk In Love?

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       Andreas POV

Kians party is so awesome.Basicly everyone was drunk,(including me)and we were all going Insane.Keke obviously was the drunkest  and so far I've caught her making out with 13 guys.Classic Keke.Anyways I haven't done anything witg anyone don't worry,but it's just because I have my eyes on this one guy,Connor Franta Connor noticed me eyeing him and I blushed as he walked up to me.He was also drunk and said

"Hey,Andrea right?"

I nodded.God,he was so cute!

connor"well,I was wondering you wanna like go upstairs?"I again, smiled, and nodded

"Hey Connor, first can I find Keke and have come up there too?"

Connor"of course"

I walked around getting pushed and shoved,but I didn't really mind it.I then found Keke,you can guess what she was doing

me;"KEKE CMON YOU NASHTY GET A ROOM"I yelled laughing

Keke looked at me and blushed a little but she was drunk so she probably didn't care that much that I saw her making out witg someone random.

Keke:"need something Andrea?"

Me:"oh yea wanna come upstairs with me and connor?"

keke;"sure can I bring Sam?"(the guy she hitting it off with)

I nodded.

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