20: Together Again

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Whittaker screamed and punched at the glass. The two guards were repeatedly punching Cole senseless against the glass wall of her cell. Inside her cell, she felt powerless. All her screaming and punching did nothing while she was trapped inside the confines of that room. At the same time, she couldn't just sit back and idly watch her brother as he's beaten to death. She had to try something.

One guard was holding Cole up by his throat, while the second vampire was punching Cole. All the little boy could do was cry in pain and kick his feet. Occasionally his foot would make contact with one of the vampire's metal armor, making a hollow bong sound.

"I wanna turn Noah..." The guard holding Cole to the glass complained.

"Not until I'm done. Be patient, Liam." Noah, the second guard, glared at the vampire holding Cole up.

Cole was quietly crying in pain, helpless as the two guards, Noah and Liam, began to argue over how they would take turns hurting Cole.

Whittaker shook her head and pressed her hands against the glass. There had to be something she could do for Cole. Suddenly a smile crossed her face as she noticed the slight accumulation of ice on the other side of the glass. She pushed her hands against the glass more, moving the frost down the pane of glass and across the ground, towards the guards feet. Upon touching the metal armor or the two vampires, the frost suddenly spread upwards in violent, large shards of ice. The ice raced up the two guards' armor, sealing them both in place mid-argument.

The ice was barreling down Liam's arm towards Cole before abruptly stopping at the man's wrist, not even touching the small boy.

A bit confused, the boy kicked his feet and pried himself free from the man's unfrozen hand. He dropped to the ground, wincing in pain. Cole was sure bruises were already starting appear on his face, arms, and stomach just from the pain he felt. He quickly scrambled away from the two frozen vampires, his back staying pressed against the cold glass of the cell behind him. His crying had turned to uncontrollable sobs, he just wanted to run away. He wanted his father. He wanted to be safe again.

"D-daddy!!" Cole cried out and looked around. The hallway was empty, stretching on in either direction until it seemed to vanish into thick darkness. Nocturne was no where to be found.

"DADDY!" Cole cried out again, louder this time, desperately hoping Nocturne would come to his rescue.

"..Cole..." A muffled voice called out to him.

Cole's eyes went wide and he turned around. Behind the frosted glass, he could see the vague outline of a person. The frost slowly melted away, to reveal a familiar face. The girl's blonde hair, frosty blue eyes, and blue scarf were so familiar.

Before he knew what he was doing, Cole opened his mouth and the first word that came to mind popped out, "S-sissy... M-my sissy! I-I have a sister!" The memories began to flood back to Cole all at once. Whittaker was his sister. They were kidnapped by vampires and separated. The death of his real parents.

Through all the memories, the one thing he could feel was the string desire to hug Whitt. Cole moved and pressed his hands and nose against the cold glass. "S-sissy.."

"I'm right here.." Whittaker placed her hands over Cole's, only separated by the pane of glass in between them. Her face was smiling slightly, but streaked with tears. "I-I missed you..."

Cole nodded quickly, and glanced around for a way into the cell. "I'm coming in s-sissy!" He moved over to the cell door and examined it. There was a small hole where the key was to be inserted. It was quite small, but, after some concentration, Cole shifted to a tiny inch worm, and began to squeeze through the tiny keyhole. After a few moments of inching through the dark key hole, Cole was inside the cell.

The inside of the cell was freezing cold. The ground was covered in layers of snow and most of the walls had been covered in ice. Large icicles hung down from the ceiling, in some places it touched all the way to the ground, creating great columns of ice.

Cole quickly shifted into a polar bear cub, so he wouldn't freeze to death, and ran over to his sister. They quickly embraced in a tight hug, and held onto each other. Whittaker was still crying silently.

"I was so worried Cole..." Whittaker's voice quivered slightly. In a gentle circular motion, she rubbed Cole's head. His soft white fur was warm, and comforting to hug onto.

Cole made a small cooing sound and nestled into Whittaker's arms, shaking slightly. They were reunited, and for the moment, quite happy to be together again.

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