18: Insane Terror

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"Ah-HAH! Good one, Noah!" Liam shouted, and laughed loudly.

"It was not that funny, Liam... Now don't embarrass yourself you idiot." Noah whispered harshly to Liam.

Noah walked down the elegant hallway with his partner, Liam. Their metal armor clinked with every step. They had the finest armor, and were some of the finest guards. Their armor was made of a highly resilient steal, and polished to a perfect shine. The pair trained daily, practicing with different weapons to perfect their skills in every area. They were the best, all-around guards. At least, they were in their own minds.

"Did you hear what the dumb king is doing now?" Liam turned his head to Noah, a wide grin on his face.

"No, I haven't." Noah rolled his eyes. He didn't much care for all of the rumors that went around the castle. Half of them were lies anyways, but then again, they could be entertaining.

"His heir is a human!" Liam exclaimed. "I mean, it's one thing to keep a human pet. But, to make his human pet the next vampire king? That's just insane!"

Noah stopped dead in his tracks. "You're kidding."

"Nu-huh. I swear, it's the truth. Pretty soon, we're gonna have a human barking orders at us."

"Now that is just low..."

"Tell me about it!" Liam exclaimed. "Ey! I heard the human was in Nocturne's dead son's room. I know where it is if you wanna go see for yourself. The little runt is being treated like royalty."

"...Let's go then. We can pay the little blood bag a visit, and teach him his place. He is not, and never will be our king!" Noah shouted with a large, satisfied grin. He was quite proud of himself for coming up with this grand, brilliant idea. No one else would have ever thought of such an idea!-

"That's what I was thinking!" Liam said, a stupid grin on his face.

In Noah's mind, Liam was obviously lying. There's no way this dummy could have possible come up with the same brilliant idea that he had. It was even silly just considering that Noah, a genius, have his idea compared to that of his less mentally gifted friend.

"Of course it was..." Noah said through gritted teeth. Alright, maybe his idea was not as brilliant as Noah had originally thought. But still, he was way smarter than Liam. "Anyways, let's just go and mess with the bloodbag."

"Yeah! Snack time!" 

Liam spun around on his heels to head form Cole's room. Noah followed close behind, a small smile covering his face and revealing two, freakishly sharp fangs. The fangs we so sharp, it was not natural, even among vampires. Liam had begun to believe that Noah sharpened his fangs like miniature swords, in fact, Noah probably did sharpen his fangs, but he never would have admitted to it.



Cole woke with a start in his dark room. He frowned and rubbed at his eyes, "Daddy..?" His soft voice probed the now eerily silent room. The small boy sat upright in his large king sized bed. He frowned and slowly grabbed a hold of his soft comforter blanket and sheets, hugging them close to his chest. "D-daddy.. I-I'm scared..?" His voice grew quieter and began to quiver form the fear that squeezed his heart. 

He blinked several times, his eyes sweeping from side to side to survey the room. His human eyes could not adjust properly to the darkness. Occasionally, outlines would seem to appear out of the darkness. There was the shape of a man - no wait.. That's only a chair.. Or maybe it was his dresser? He frowned and stared at the unnaturally shaped object. In the darkness, his eyes couldn't decide and stick with one certain shape.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Cole's head whipped to the right side of his bed. This time he was certain he had heard a noise. It sounded like heavy footsteps coming towards his bed across the carpeted floor. This time, he was able to make out the slight glimmering of a human form, moving quickly. It glittered like a finely polished metal, but was in the shape of a man... It almost looked like.. An armored guard. 

He opened his mouth to scream in terror as two arms reached out and grabbed him. He could hardly breathe as he felt the arms wrap around him in a tight hold. Cole's heart felt like terror was squeezing it, as unimaginable fear caused his stomach to twist and turn. He had never been so afraid before as his scream was cut off suddenly.

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