Chapter 8: Stop, Please

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Tears began to stream down Cole's face from the pain and fear. The man's pale hand was firmly clamped over his little mouth to prevent him from making any noise. He was completely helpless, at the mercy of those around him. The man's fangs seemed to burn as the man drank from his neck, drinking his blood. Cole's heart raced in panic. He couldn't get away. Sissy was pinned in front of him, held firmly against the exshaust vent as hot air pressed into her back. From the look on Sissy's face, he could see it hurt her, but it seemed to not bother his sissy as she shouted and thrashed against the two men holding her down, trying to get away and help him. Why were the freaky mean men doing this? Cole thought that he and his Sissy had suffered enough already. The accident had taken away mommy and daddy; he didn't want to lose anything else. What if they hurt Sissy and she lost her too? He was scared. He wanted to run away, but the pale man held him still.

"Let Cole go!! He hasn't done anything!" Sissy yelled, anger burning in her icy blue eyes. Her hand slipped free from one of the men's hands for a moment as she attempted to grab Cole. The man moved faster than Cole thought was possible, grabbing Sissy's hand and slamming her back against the vent. She yelped in pain, the heat continuing to burn her back. The anger vanished from her eyes as she just looked sad, desperate even. "Please... Let him go... You can keep me but just let Cole go..." Her voice softer now, having lost it's agresive edge.

The pale man stopped momentarily and realsed Cole's neck, granting him a moment of relief from the pain. "Now why would I do that?" The man calmly asked, a sickening grin spreading across his face. Cole's blood rimmed the man's lips. "This boy has a rare blood type, and it's delicious..." The man talked softly and bent his head down again, his mouth clamping down around Cole's neck. The drinking started again, followed by the pain.

Cole whimpered into the man's hand now, crying still. The pain was unbearable. He wanted it to stop. His thoughts moved sluggishly now. Maybe that had something to do with the blackness closing in around his vision.

"Please! I'm begging you... Cole is just a little boy! I have more blood than he does?!" Sissy continued. Her face showed more pain now. Sissy never liked the heat, mommy had said it was because she had the gift of ice. The heat was burning her, the men were hurting Sissy, slowly.

The other three men laughed at her. "Just let him finish his snack now! If you stop intterupting him, this will all end sooner..." A different man, one who wasn't bitting into Cole, said.

Sissy's eyes widened. "No! You're not going to kill him!" A chorus of laughter errupted from the three men again. Her face showed the pain she was in, caused by the heat of the exshaust vent.

Cole was dizzy now. He tried to blink the blackness away, but it pressed against his vision. Why couldn't he think straight?... The pain was blinding, he couldn't focus on much of anything and just continued to cry. He wanted it to stop. Please, someone, make this pain stop.

More shouting. It seemed distant now, as if his ears were stuffed with cotton and the noise became muffled once it reached his ears. His limbs felt like lead. He was too weak to lift up his heavy limbs. Why was Sissy getting fuzzy?... The pain was becoming gradually more distant now, maybe the pale man was stopping.

He saw a black blurr run and tackle the pale man holding himself. Maybe it was that wolf, Buddy?... Cole yelped, a flare of pain as the man's fangs were ripped free from his neck. Cold arms caught Cole before he hit the ground. He was starring into another pale face, this one wearing a red cap. It took him several moments for his brain to recongize the girl from the hospital, Katey. The girl gently layed Cole down on the ground. Were her eyes glowing red?... Sharp silvery objects formed in Katey's hands, swords, as she turned and stabbed one of the men holding Sissy to the vent, who quickly became limp afterwards.

That was all Sissy needed to pull free. Turning, his older sister grabbed the man left standing and coated him in ice. The mean man shouldn't have hurt Sissy. Katey then kicked the frozen man, shattering the ice, and man held inside, into large chunks. The red eyed girl, as Cole had decided she really did have glowy red eyes like the mean men, turned and sliced her sharp weapon into the last man left standing. He fell limply to the fround. All four men were dead.

Cole still thought everything looked fuzzy, and the black wasn't going away. The pain had stopped though, and he was left with a dull, throbbing sensation. He tried to get his mouth to work, to reach for his Sissy and ask for her to come and make everything ok, but his mouth wouldn't cooperate with him. Try as he might, his lead limps refused to move properly. Instead, all he could produce was a whimper from the throbbing pain and his fear.

Sissy's face entered his vision and she scooped him up into a hug. There was muffled talking as he heard quick footfalls of people running. "Where are we going Sissy?" He tried to ask, but only was able to groan softly. He couldn't think clearly. After a moment of trying to look around at their surroundings, he gave up trying to sort out all the blurry images which merged together into a confusing mess of colors. He thought he glimpsed the fuzzy black streak and the pale red girl, Buddy and Katey, running along side Sissy, but he wasn't sure anymore. After continous moments of trying to force his thoughts into order and resisting the growing blackness that consumed his vision, he gave up and allowed himself to slip into it. The blackness folded around him as he welcomed unconsciousness. Sissy would take care of him now...

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