Chapter 9: The Ways of Healing

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Whittaker ran, craddling Cole in her arms. His eyes were closed and he almost appeared to be sleeping, except for the fact her had two red puncture marks on his neck and was unusually pale. She had previously thought that vampires were myths, but she should have know better; she could create snow and ice after all while her little brother could change into anything he wanted. How many other myths were real? Would an alien abduct her and her brother next?

A soft moan from Cole as he shifted in her arms ripped Whittaker away from her frantic thoughts. His small head was pressed against her shoulder and his body was tucked up in her arms. After a moment of studying Cole she pushed herself to run faster. She couldn't lose Cole. She wouldn't lose Cole.

Whittaker burst into the hospital, Katey and Buddy running with her. "This way!" Katey ordered, then turned and ran down a hall. Why she did, Whittaker had no clue. But Katey had saved her and her brother's lives mere moments ago, she deserved their trust. They ran down the hall then quickly Katey stopped and threw opened a door, revealing Kevin. He was slumpped, supposedly asleep in a chair with paper work strewn out in front of himself. The room must have been his officer, because there was a desk in the center of the room and his chair was of a luxurious leather.

"Kevin, wake up! Whittaker, take your brother to the room across the hall and lay him out of the hospital bed." Katey ordered, her voice stern. Her voice held authority, the type of authority that was acquired from experience.

Kevin lurched upright and his eyes flew open, but Whittaker didn't stay to watch Kevin's reaction. Instead, she turned and ran to the room across the hall, as directed by Katey. Her little brother was unconcious in her arms, but breathing still. Ever so gently and carefully, she laid her small brother out of the hospital bed. He wasn't bleeding, or at least not substantially, from his neck. Maybe he would be fine with rest, but she had no idea what a vampire bite could do to a human, especially children. Could he become a vampire? Would some sort of poison kill her brother, even though he seems alright? Or would he die, just from plain blood loss?

The door was slammed open with a loud crash, followed by Kevin storming into the room, Katey and Buddy close at his heels. "Blood type, Katey?" Kevin asked, walking over to Cole he began to look over the boy, his face mostly blank with a stern and proffessional expression.

"AB-." Katey replied instantly. How Katey new her brother's correct blood type was beyond Whittaker.

Kevin nodded, his face becoming worried. "That's a rare blood type..."

"I have the same blood type." Whittaker quickly chimed in.

Kevin nodded, running to a cabinet he quickly pulled open the wooden doors. His hands vanished into the wooden cabinets for a moment before he pulled out what he needed. Running over to Whittaker he stuck a needle that was attached to a plastic tube into her the crook of her arm. The pain lasted a fleeting moment from the needle piercing her skin, then it faded away. He scooted a seat under her for her to sit on, and she obliged without question, careful to keep her burnt back from touching the chair. Moving on, Kevin attached the other end of the tube to Cole's arm, inserting the needle into the crook of his arm also.

"Raise your arm above Cole now." Kevin instructed, "Your arm has to be higher than Cole so the blood can flow downwards and into him."

Whittaker nodded and raise her arm above Cole as she was told. A thick, red substance leaked into the tube, sluggishly moving towards Cole. Her blood looked strange inside the small, plastic tube. As long as it saved Cole, she didn't care what it looked like. The blood rolled down the tube and into her little brother's arm, where it vanished from her sight. She couldn't tell if her brother was improving, but she saw Kevin and Katey relax.

"His pulse is a bit stronger, it's working... His body seems to be accepting her blood too." Katey said, glancing at Kevin. "And so you know, AB- is a rare blood type, but it can have blood from O-, B-, A-, and AB-... So, we didn't have to use her blood." Katey gestured to Whittaker.

Kevin shook his head, "I'm not the blood expert like you are."

"But you are the offical doctor... My medical knowledge ends at band-aids, blood, and heart rates." Katey smiled slightly and shook her head a bit.

"That's true... Again." Kevin laughed slightly.

"So... Cole should be ok?" Whittaker asked and looked at Kevin and Katey from where she was sitting. Her little brother had gained some more color to his skin, and appeared to be in a more restful sleep. She wasn't sure what had really changed to cause it, but he appeared more lively now, in contrast to his pale and limp form from before.

Kevin smiled warmly and nodded, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "He's going to be fine, so long as he's in our care. I refuse to let anything happen to you two, and will fight to protect you both."

Katey nodded to Whittaker, "Add another to that count. I'll fight for you both."

Kevin glanced at Katey momentarily and grinned. "No one's gonna mess with you and Cole if Katey is fighting for you. Have you seen her angry yet?" He turned to Whittaker, a teasing grin on his face. "She can be pretty scary..."

"I'm not that scary now Kevin..." Katey protested a bit. Whittaker noted she never said that she wasn't scary, just that she was not that scary.

"Right, and Kara is the new DoomsDay." Kevin said jokingly.

Whittaker didn't understand the inside joke, but a wide grin spread across Katey's face as she laughed a bit softly. "Ok fine..." Katey admitted, "Maybe I am that scary."

A small smile spread across Whittaker's face. She slowly relaxed and leaned back, immediately regretting it as a sudden pain flarred in her back and she yelped. She had almost forgotten about the large burn covering her whole back. She could image the angry red skin, covered in bulbous blisters and peeling in places.

Kevin looked at Whittaker, stepping towards her now. "May I look?.." He gently took the hem of the back of her shirt, waiting for permission.

"If someone has to look, I rather it be a docotor like you..." Whittaker said quietly, giving her approval.

Kevin nodded and lifted her shirt up to examine her back. "It's pretty bad..." He moved over to a counter and grabbed several strange ingredients. Why didn't he just get a bottle of medicine? Instead he mixed what appeared to be orange juice, roots, and several spices. Bringing his concoction over, he handed it to Whittaker. "Drink it all, it looks worse than it tastes, but it should help with the pain and assist me in the healing proccess."

"Uhh.. Ok.." Whittaker slowly began to drink the gray hewed liquid, surprised to find it tasted mostly like a fruit juice of some sort. She felt a pleasant warmth spread throughout her body and then it became cool, concentrated on her burnt back as it eased the pain in a miraculous way.

Kevin pulled her shirt down and placed his hand gently on the fabric. Whittaker was able to glimpse his eyes glow a bright gold color and felt her sin crawl, slowly obeying to a strange, tingling sensation that spready across her back. Her skin seemed to move, and she felt her blisters fade away, the peeled skin reattaching and becoming healthy, the burnt skin slowly lost its pain. It was only a minute long of the strange feelings before Kevin pulled his hand back. He had just... Healed her. Magically.

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